RFA Ethanol Podcast

NK Field Forged Performs Well in 2021

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seeds has just released new data from the 2021 harvest on performance of the NK Field Forged Series™. “Considering all that farmers had to be challenged with this year, from drought to flood, to corn rootworm to tar spot, we performed really well,” said Jim Shertzer, NK Seed marketing head, at last month’s NAFB Trade Talk. The Field Forged …

Audio, Corn, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

Enogen in the MILK Business

Cindy Zimmerman

Now in its 19th year, the MILK Business Conference is a must-attend event for commercial dairy farmers seeking seeking insight to better manage their dairy and their bottom line and one of this year’s elite sponsors was Enogen Feed from Syngenta. The Farm Journal event last week was an opportunity for Enogen Strategic Account Manager Todd Axtell to tell the …

Audio, Corn, Dairy, Farm Journal, Feed, Syngenta

Golden Harvest Thrilled with Gold Series Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

Golden Harvest is reporting outstanding performance with its Gold Series line of soybeans. “The performance that we’re seeing is just frankly out of this world,” said Dave Young, Golden Harvest Marketing Head, during the recent NAFB Trade Talk. The new lineup includes Enlist E3® soybeans and XtendFlex® soybeans is are available for the 2022 season. Young says overall performance of …

Audio, NAFB, Soybean, Syngenta

Syngenta Accelerating a Generation with Scholarships

Cindy Zimmerman

Students studying agriculture have a chance to win a $2,500 scholarship and a donation to the charity of their choice through the 2022 Accelerating a Generation Syngenta Scholarship Program. Through the scholarship program, which is run by the National FFA organization (FFA), Syngenta will give a total of six scholarships to college students from across the country who are pursuing …

Education, Syngenta

Syngenta Partners With Dairy Industry and Nature Conservancy

Cindy Zimmerman

The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has announced a partnership with Syngenta and The Nature Conservancy to help dairy producers “reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve water quality and strengthen farm resilience.” You can listen to an interview with Chris Cook, Head of Enogen, and Liz Hunt, Head of Sustainable & Responsible Business for Syngenta, who explain more about the initiative: …

Audio, Corn, Dairy, Feed, Livestock, Sustainability, Syngenta

Syngenta Group Reports Strong 2021 Sales

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Group today announced strong sales growth for the third quarter and this year so far, up over 25% from last year. Harvest setbacks due to severe weather extremes and market supply constraints exacerbated the already low stock-to-use ratios of key grains and led to continued robust grain prices while driving strong demand and growth for Syngenta Group’s products and …

Agribusiness, Seed, Syngenta

Syngenta Seeds Creates COVID Connections with Customers

Cindy Zimmerman

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to make larger, in-person gatherings a challenge across the world, Syngenta Seeds has come up with more personal ways of working with farmers and resellers that could remain beyond the pandemic. For example, NK Seeds hosted 400+ customer events during the course of the 2021 season, five times the amount they normally host in a …

Audio, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Syngenta

Start 2022 Weed Control with Acuron® GT

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta’s new corn herbicide Acuron® GT was registered earlier this year for post-emergence use in glyphosate-tolerant corn and keeping track of this year’s weeds will help get ready to control for next season. Acuron GT combines the proven performance of Halex® GT corn herbicide with the active ingredient bicyclopyrone (BIR), which helps Acuron GT provide enhanced post-emergence control of yield-robbing …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta, weed management

Syngenta Seeds Helps Farmers Address Challenges

Cindy Zimmerman

Increased corn rootworm pressure is being seen around the Midwest this year but hybrids with the Agrisure Duracade trait have proven effective in limiting the impact of the pests. Syngenta Seeds recently announced results from a field study on the effects of corn rootworm (CRW), In July, the Syngenta Seeds agronomy team conducted a series of root digs across Nebraska, …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta

NK Seeds Field Forged Series™ at #FPS21

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta announced the first-ever Field Forged Series™ from NK Seeds earlier year. Now available for the 2022 growing season from retailers across the U.S., the inaugural Field Forged Series lineup features 26 total hybrids, including 10 new NK® corn hybrids and 4 new Enogen® corn hybrids, and 20 new NK soybean varieties, and farmers were definitely showing an interest at …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta