2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast 736 – Syngenta Advancing Innovation

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this episode I am going to share some audio from the recent Syngenta Media Summit 2024 that was held in the new crop protection facility in Greensboro, NC. I am grateful for the opportunity to be with a group of agricultural journalists and have personal time with Syngenta leadership. You’ll hear more about …

Agribusiness, Audio, Crop Protection, Media, Syngenta, ZimmCast

ZimmCast 735 – Preview of 2024 NAMA Fall Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. It’s time for the 2024 NAMA Fall Conference which will be held in Minneapolis, MN, October 14-16. The theme is “Fall Back” and you’ll hear why in my interview with Laura Rustmann, Director of Marketing and Sales, J.L. Farmakis, Inc. and Chair of the committee that is organizing the conference. BTW. You can register …

Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio, Media, NAMA, ZimmCast

Rest in Peace Greg Henderson

Chuck Zimmerman

It was a very shocking and sudden notice of the passing last week of Greg Henderson, Editorial Director, Drovers at Farm Journal Media, at the age of 67. Greg attended the Ag Media Summit where I saw him last and spent some time chatting with him and taking his picture on the stage. Post Update – From a news release …

Beef, Media

2024 IFAJ Congress – Switzerland

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2024 IFAJ Congress was held in Switzerland this year and has just ended. Back in 2005 Cindy and I went to our first IFAJ Congress in 2005 which was in Switzerland. It is one of my favorite countries of the 40 I’ve traveled to. I miss seeing so many of our international journalist friends. The gavel was passed from …

IFAJ, International, Media

2024 Ag Media Summit Awards

Chuck Zimmerman

A big part of the Ag Media Summit are the awards. There are many of them from each organization represented including Livestock Publication Council, The Ag Communicators Network, and National Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow. There are photos of all of them in the online summit photo album. I want to highlight two of our best friends that received awards starting …

ACN, LPC, Media

Ag Media Summit in Full Swing

Chuck Zimmerman

During the weekend attendees were able to participate in Saturday tours and on Sunday the associations held their board meeting, followed by the 1st Timer Reception and then the Welcome Party with a Roaring 20’s theme. Here’s an example of just a few photos from there. So, now we’re starting with a breakfast, sponsored by Rabobank, and a session on …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC, Media

AgriTalk Celebrates 30 Years

Cindy Zimmerman

It was 30 years ago this month that the nation’s first and only radio talk show focused entirely on agriculture and rural America debuted. It was, and still is, called simply “AgriTalk,” starting Aug. 1, 1994 as a one hour program hosted by Ken Root first, then Mike Adams until 2018 when it expanded to a two hour format with …

Farm Journal, Media

ZimmCast 733 – Farm Bill and AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

Although Cindy and I got a little break from the agriblogging highway things got busy again. In this episode I’m going to share a few interviews that have a focus on a new Farm Bill. What do you think? Is it still possible this year or will it be sometime in 2025? You will hear different thoughts from Ted McKinney, …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Farm Bill, LPC, Media, politics, ZimmCast

First Golden Mic Awards Presented at NAMA

Cindy Zimmerman

In honor of ZimmComm’s 20th anniversary, we decided to recognize some of the people who have spent the most time talking into the Golden Microphone. Since we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 12,000 interviews from over the years, we narrowed it down to just NAMA members and we still had lots of candidates. Our judging criteria was based on …

Media, NAMA, ZimmComm Announcement