RFA Ethanol Podcast

DWFI Podcast – Business Ecosystem in Rwanda

Cindy Zimmerman

Of Rwanda’s roughly 600,000 hectares of irrigable land, only 10% is currently irrigated. With a more developed irrigation industry, farmers would be able to take advantage of three growing seasons, rather than one, enabling better food security and income. However, there are gaps in knowledge needed to advance the industry. Seeking to make these advancements accessible, staff at the Daugherty …

Audio, International, Irrigation, Water, Water for Food

Meister Media Launches Global Ag Tech Initiative

Cindy Zimmerman

Meister Media Worldwide, Inc. (MMW) has just announced the launch of the Global Ag Tech Initiative(SM) to lead a new generation of worldwide agriculture forward to sustainably produce safe and abundant food to feed the world. “The MMW CropLife Media Group® and its PrecisionAg® brands have been at the forefront leading the precision agriculture industry with an expanding portfolio of …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Events, Media, Precision Agriculture, Tech Hub LIVE, Technology

New ASTA Leadership Elected

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) elected its 2022-23 officer team during the association’s Leadership Summit this week in Indianapolis. Jim Schweigert, Gro Alliance, is the new chair for the organization, replacing Brad May of BASF. Both are pictured here during the “ASTA Night at the Ball Game” pre-summit event. A third-generation seedsman, Schweigert is the president of Gro Alliance, …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Seed

Yara Alabama Incubator Farm Explores Soil Health

Cindy Zimmerman

Yara’s new Incubator Farm in Auburn, Alabama is focused on exploring practical approaches to managing and positively impacting soil health. The 80-acre farm, located on the EV Smith Research Station in partnership with Auburn University, will implement three different sets of soil health management and crop nutrition programs utilizing established techniques such as cover crops, minimum tillage and 4R nutrient …

AgWired Precision, Farming, Food, Precision Agriculture, Soil, Technology

Greg Nickerson Joins Ag PR Hall of Fame

Cindy Zimmerman

Bader Rutter chairman and former CEO Greg Nickerson has joined a distinguished group of agricultural public relations professionals as the newest member of the Agricultural Public Relations Hall of Fame, sponsored by AgriMarketing Magazine. The award was presented during the ARC Annual Meeting, held June 21-23, in Milwaukee. The largest advertising agency in Wisconsin and the largest agricultural marketing agency …

Agencies, Agribusiness, ARC

ASTA Honors Past, Present Industry Leaders

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) honored past and present seed industry leaders during its Leadership Summit this week in Indianapolis. In addition to the time-honored Lifetime Honorary Member and Distinguished Service Awards, this year’s slate of honors included the all-new Heritage Award and the Seed Science Foundation’s Excellence in Science Award. ASTA’s Lifetime Honorary Member Award was presented to …

ASTA, Seed

Crow’s Seed Being Re-Launched in Eastern Corn Belt

Cindy Zimmerman

Crow’s Seed is being re-launched in the Eastern Corn Belt, by Outward Ag, LLC. This follows the re-establishment a few years ago of Midwest Seed Genetics in the Central and Northern Corn Belt and NC+ in the West, which have become two of the fastest growing seed brands in U.S. row crop agriculture. Crow’s Hybrids, originally from Milford, IL, was …

Corn, Seed, Soybean

Congrats to #ARCinMKE Winners

Cindy Zimmerman

The Agricultural Relations Council (ARC) 2022 Golden ARC Awards winners were announced last week in Milwaukee, during the group’s annual meeting. MorganMyers won the Golden ARC de Excellence Award – the contest’s best all-around entry in the campaigns division – for its “The SCN Coalition: Battling A Bug to Improve America’s Soybean Profitability and Sustainability” entry in the PR Campaigns …

Ag Groups, Agencies, ARC, Public Relations

Nebraska Inspires Water Partnership with Brazil

Cindy Zimmerman

The government of Mato Grosso, Brazil found what it was looking for in Nebraska – ways to improve the sustainable development of water for crop irrigation and pasture land, to intensify production on existing lands and decrease expansion of agriculture on fragile ecosystem. As a result of a technical visit to Nebraska in May, Mato Grosso will sign a technical …

International, Sustainability, Technology, Water, Water for Food

Cost of July 4th Cookout Skyrockets

Cindy Zimmerman

The cost of your July 4th holiday cookout has skyrocketed 17 percent since last year, according to the latest American Farm Bureau Federation survey. According to the survey, the average cost of a summer cookout for 10 people is $69.68, or about $10 more than last year, which they attribute to ongoing supply chain disruptions, inflation and the war in …

AFBF, Food