USDA Estimates Corn Acres Down 3%, Soybeans Up 3%

Cindy Zimmerman

The planted acres report out Friday from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) estimates 91.5 million acres of corn planted in the United States for 2024, down 3% from last year, with soybean acres estimated at 86.1 million acres, up 3% from last year. The estimate for all cotton planted area for 2024 is 11.7 million acres, 14% above 2023. …

Corn, Cotton, Soybean, USDA

USDA Awards $300 Million for Ag Export Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was joined by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to announce the allocation of $300 million to 66 U.S. organizations under the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) to build demand for American food and farm exports in diverse markets around the world. RAPP was launched in October 2023, authorizing $1.2 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding …

Audio, Exports, Farm Bill, USDA

Vilsack Explains SAF Tax Credit for Farm Broadcasters

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spent the majority of his time meeting with members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Tuesday talking about the 40B sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax credit guidance and modified GREET model released that day by the Biden Administration. “You need to understand this because you’re the folks who have to explain that it’s a point …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, cover crops, Ethanol, NAFB, USDA

Partnership to Help Farmers with Conservation Programs

Cindy Zimmerman

A new partnership has been formed between Taranis and Steward Link to help growers with program application and validation of implemented practices to better utilize USDA conservation programs. Taranis is a global leader in AI-powered crop intelligence, and Steward Link was created by a former USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services employee to match up farmers with federal program opportunities. The …

AgWired Precision, Conservation, Precision Agriculture, Soil, USDA

National Ag Day Celebrated in DC

Cindy Zimmerman

The 51st National Ag Day celebration took place in Washington D.C. Tuesday with groups gathering at USDA headquarters to recognize the individuals who feed, fuel, and clothe our nation and the world. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke in particular to the young people in attendance. “Every person who wakes up in the morning and doesn’t have to grow or harvest …

Ag Day, Audio, USDA

Truterra Outreach to Under-served Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

In an effort to make sure all farmers have the opportunity to adopt climate smart practices and be rewarded for it, Truterra is reaching out to historically under-served producers with information about USDA’s Climate Smart Commodities Partnership project. Truterra Outreach and Partnership Liaison John Porter says under-served producers include racial and ethnic minorities, veterans, beginning farmers, and limited resource farmers. …

Audio, carbon, climate, Farming, Sustainability, USDA

Truterra Talks Climate Smart Programs at #Classic24

Cindy Zimmerman

Land O’Lakes sustainability subsidiary Truterra recently announced its 2024 sustainability programs and they were at Commodity Classic last week to talk to farmers about what they have to offer. “The financial assistance program is one of the first we’re able to roll out under the climate smart funding,” said Amber Leusink, Senior Manager for Programs and Grants with Truterra. “What …

Audio, carbon, Commodity Classic, Sustainability, USDA

Administration Officials Address Commodity Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and U.S. EPA Administrator Michael Regan both addressed a record crowd Friday at the Commodity Classic in Houston, Texas. Secretary Vilsack disappointed many in the audience who expected an announcement on the revised GREET model necessary for agriculture to benefit from tax credits for Sustainable Aviation Fuel under the Inflation Reduction Act. “Obviously we’re not …

Audio, Commodity Classic, EPA, USDA

EPA Announces E15 Waiver Approval for 8 States in 2025

Cindy Zimmerman

The Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday approval of requests from state governors to remove the 1-psi volatility waiver for gasoline-ethanol blends containing 10 percent ethanol in their states, but delays the effective date to April 28, 2025. “After review of the emissions modeling results presented by the governors in their requests, EPA is removing the 1-psi waiver in the following …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol, RFA, USDA

Secretary Vilsack Addresses Ethanol Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack visited the National Ethanol Conference in San Diego Tuesday addressing a number of critical issues facing the ethanol industry right now, including nationwide approval of year-round E15 sales and the use of the GREET model to determine the ability of ethanol to be used for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). Following his remarks, the Renewable Fuels Association …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, USDA