As the 2024 World Pork Expo gets underway this week in Des Moines, producers will be able to learn about an innovative solution designed to reinforce gut health in pigs from Alltech called Levelset™. In addition, Alltech will be hosting a business seminar at Expo on the U.S. pork industry’s role in global trade, animal health, and sustainability. Levelset consists …
AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting Preview
The AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting is coming up June 10-12 in Altoona, Iowa. AgGateway Executive VP & COO Jeremy Wilson says this meeting is where the organization’s work of digital connectivity gets done. “We have a lot of different working groups that meet and work on different items that we have as priorities right now the and we have a wide …
Ethanol Report on Days of Summer
When it’s summertime, the driving is easier with ethanol. As millions of Americans are looking ahead to summer vacations and family road trips, high fuel prices may be a concern, but ethanol is helping to keep prices lower than they might be otherwise, and the Renewable Fuels Association notes that higher ethanol blends like E15 and E85 offer even lower …
John Deere Equipment on Display at the National Mall
Once again John Deere featured an exhibit at the Modern Ag on the Mall event with a variety of equipment and technology. They had experts on hand to talk to the public, agency officials and the media. I spoke with Aaron Wetzel, VP Precision Ag. Aaron says the diversity of people who come to their booth makes it very exciting …
Lindsay Announces Enhancement to FieldNET Advisor
One of the exhibitors at the Modern Ag on the Mall in Washington, DC was Lindsay. I spoke with Gustavo Oberto, President, Global Irrigation. We started with why the company took part in this year’s event and what he hopes they accomplish. From there we focused on the new improvements in irrigation management so farmers can manage their water use. …
Netafim On The Mall
This is the Netafim team that exhibited at the National Ag On The Mall event. I interviewed two of them, Aubrey Bettencourt, Global Director of Government Relations and External Affairs and Mike Bloomfield, Commercial Lead for Forage Crops, to get their thoughts on this event and what they hope to accomplish. Aubrey says the event provides them with a lot …
Syngenta Fungicides Can Help Manage Mycotoxins
With ear rots becoming more common and stealing more corn yield, Syngenta has some recommendations for managing mycotoxins and maximizing silage return on investment. Two mycotoxin-causing threats are Fusarium ear rot and Gibberella ear rot and both caused significant yield losses in 2023, an estimated 46.9 million bushels and 49.4 million bushels, respectively. The mycotoxins caused by each disease, Fumonison …
USDA Awards $300 Million for Ag Export Growth
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack was joined by U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) to announce the allocation of $300 million to 66 U.S. organizations under the new Regional Agricultural Promotion Program (RAPP) to build demand for American food and farm exports in diverse markets around the world. RAPP was launched in October 2023, authorizing $1.2 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding …
New Holland Shows Off New Technology at Ag On The Mall
New Holland was one of the exhibitors at the Modern Ag On The Mall this month. I interviewed J Cole Sanford before he assisted the team in showing new equipment to a tour group from the EPA. In the picture Sanford is showing a New Holland E15X Mini Excavator, the company’s first electric vehicle. He says that being involved in …
ZimmCast 731 – Celebration of Modern Ag in DC
The second Celebration of Modern Ag on the National Mall was bigger and better than the first in 2022 with over 50 exhibits spotlighting the Future of Food and Farming. The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) partnered with member companies and ag organizations to hold the three-day event which featured combine harvesters, milking equipment, sprayers and planters, irrigation equipment, tractors …