RFA Ethanol Podcast

Grant Contest to Support The Good Growth Plan

Jamie Johansen

Syngenta announced a contest for creative ideas that will support one or more of the six measurable commitments of The Good Growth Plan. The Good Growth Plan Grant Contest will award one Grand Prize of $20,000 to help the winner implement the idea. Also, three runners-up will receive $10,000 each for the same purpose. Deadline for submissions is July 14, …

Agribusiness, Food, Sustainability, Syngenta

Defining Environmental Sustainability

Jamie Johansen

Sustainability is defiantly a buzzword around the agricultural industry. During Animal Agriculture Alliance’s Stakeholders Summit on Cracking the Millennial Code a panel was formed to discuss this hot topic. Two panelist’s, Aidan Connolly, Vice President of Corporate Accounts for Alltech and Dr. Rober Cady, Elanco, sat down with Chuck following the discussion to share their definition of environmental sustainability. Aiden …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Elanco, Food, Sustainability

College Cafeteria Confidential

Chuck Zimmerman

It might sound like something secret but a panel of college “Millennials” talked about “College Cafeteria Confidential: Millennials in the Lunch Line.” Our moderator was Rob Morasco, Sodexo USA. During his session I heard some terms like sustainability and food justice from the George Washington University students participating. I got some contrasting views from two of our panelists. First up …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Food, Sustainability

National APLU Report Outlines Research Challenges

Jamie Johansen

The national Association of Public and Land-grant Universities released a report outlining six “grand challenges” facing the United States over the next decade in the areas of sustainability water, climate change, agriculture, energy and education. The APLU project was co-chaired by W. Daniel Edge, head of the Department of Fisheries and Wildlife at Oregon State University. The report is available …

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Environment, Sustainability

Walmart Highlights Ag Sustainability Pledges

Cindy Zimmerman

Kicking off a new Sustainable Product Expo this week, the CEOs from more than a dozen global companies gathered at Walmart headquarters in Arkansas Tuesday to pledge to increase sustainable food production. Eight of the largest food companies announced pledges to help ensure that tomorrow’s food supply is affordable and sustainable for the nine billion people projected to inhabit the …

Audio, Dairy, Sustainability

Great Green Gadgets

Cindy Zimmerman

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than with some new gadgets? Got an email this morning from an industrious PR person touting a book called “Fool’s Return” by Lynda Chervil, “a thought leader and green technology advocate.” Chervil, who studies the science behind green technology, says environmental awareness has ramped up production of affordable goods that can shrink individuals’ …

Environment, Gadgets, Sustainability

“Down to Earth” Examines Sustainable Farming

Jamie Johansen

Indiana’s “Down to Earth” documentary examines the world of sustainable farming. Small-farm issues in a big-farm world are the central theme of a new documentary created by students at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind. The film is focused on promoting a more sustainable and locally based food system for our country. Fourteen students spent the fall creating “Down to …

Ag Groups, Sustainability, Video

2014 Bayer Sustainability Award

Kristin Liska

During the ninth annual Ag Issues Forum last week, Bryan Boll of Minnesota was the recipient of the 2014 Bayer Young Farmer Sustainability Award. Bryan believes the key to sustainability is to look at your operation individually and see areas in which you can improve. I interviewed Bryan about the award and what sustainability means to him. Bryan is the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Sustainability, Video

SAI Platform Checklist Launched at IFAMA

Cindy Zimmerman

The International Food and Agribusiness Management Association (IFAMA) World Forum last week featured the global launch of the Sustainable Agriculture Initiative (SAI) Checklist, the “world’s first practitioner’s guide” to the sustainable outsourcing of agricultural raw materials. SAI president and Coca Cola Senior Manager of Sustainability Ernesto Brovelli said the purpose of the checklist is based on the fact that the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Sustainability

Dairy Leaders Celebrate Sustainability Award

Talia Goes

Winners of the dairy industry’s prestigious Sustainability Awards join the ranks of celebrities, athletes and influencers – from country music singer Miranda Lambert to movie star Salma Hayek to actor and father Taye Diggs – by donning the famed Milk Mustache for their own ad. The dairy industry leaders were recognized yesterday for their efforts to advance sustainability at the …

Advertising, Agribusiness, Dairy, Sustainability