2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Nebraska Inspires Water Partnership with Brazil

Cindy Zimmerman

The government of Mato Grosso, Brazil found what it was looking for in Nebraska – ways to improve the sustainable development of water for crop irrigation and pasture land, to intensify production on existing lands and decrease expansion of agriculture on fragile ecosystem. As a result of a technical visit to Nebraska in May, Mato Grosso will sign a technical …

International, Sustainability, Technology, Water, Water for Food

Agri-Pulse and Apex-Brasil Hosting Free Webinar

Cindy Zimmerman

Agri-Pulse is hosting a webinar Wednesday, December 1, entitiled “AgriTalks Brazil/USA – Green technologies in agribusiness for a sustainable future.” The free program is part of a series created by Apex-Brasil and includes the participation of high-level Brazilian and U.S. spokespersons, including ministers, CEOs and others. “AgriTalks Brazil/USA” will consist of two panel discussions. The first will cover green agriculture …

Agri-Pulse, International, webinar

USDA Secretary Vilsack from COP26

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack had a busy week at COP26 last week, participating in numerous events to underscore the administration’s commitment to climate action. Vilsack held a media call Friday afternoon from COP26 in Glasgow, UK. He discussed COP26 events, the recently-announced partnership with the EU and the Agriculture Innovation Mission (AIM) for Climate. Taking questions from reporters, Vilsack also …

Audio, Environment, International, Trade, USDA

2021 World Press Freedom Day Statement from IFAJ

Chuck Zimmerman

The beginning of a statement on the 2021 World Press Freedom Day, issued by the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) Press Freedom Committee, starts with the following: Yes, we should be enthusiastic about celebrating the International Press Freedom Day on May the third. Unfortunately, there is a risk that the toast we raise this year is a bitter one, …

IFAJ, International, Media

Celebrating Second Annual World Cotton Day

Cindy Zimmerman

Today, October 7, is the second annual celebration of World Cotton Day to pay tribute to what is often called the “most important natural fiber in the world.” The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) co-established the global day last year with four other organizations – the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Trade Centre (ITC), United Nations Conference on Trade and …

Cotton, International

World Press Freedom Day

Chuck Zimmerman

May 3rd was World Press Freedom Day. This year’s theme is Journalism Without Fear or Favour. Here in the U.S.A. most people take the press for granted. Well, generally. Lately with state of political discourse being so divided it is unfortunate that the press have come under increasing fire for their reporting, which in my mind has become less about …

IFAJ, International, Media

Secretary Perdue Press Call from Rome

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue has been traveling Belgium, the Netherlands and Italy this week to engage with his counterparts on important issues facing agriculture at home and abroad. The Secretary, along with Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney has been participating in events with government officials and agricultural leaders. As President Trump was preparing to …

Audio, Exports, International, Trade, USDA

IFAJ Congress 2020 Website Live

Chuck Zimmerman

The website for the 2020 International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress, is now live. The host country is Denmark. Registration will open at the end of January. The theme is: “Farming today for the society of tomorrow.” The Congress dates are 24 June – 28 Jun, 2020 with the location being Vingsted, Vingsted Skovvej. The issue that is becoming increasingly …

IFAJ, International, Media

2019 World Food Day

Chuck Zimmerman

Welcome to World Food Day 2019. This isn’t just a Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations event but they put a lot of effort into it. Let’s take for example their suggestions for farmers and agribusinesses to make diets healthier, available and affordable. The women and men who work in agriculture play a vital role in providing nutritious, …

Food, International