USDA and EPA Release Honey Bee Health Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released a comprehensive scientific report on honey bee health. The report states that there are multiple factors playing a role in honey bee colony declines, including parasites and disease, genetics, poor nutrition and pesticide exposure. “The challenges are complex and there is no smoking gun,” said …

Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, USDA

An Earth Day Message

Cindy Zimmerman

Got an email today from an employee of GROWMARK with a great message that I wanted to share for Earth Day week. I’m sure you’ve seen email signatures saying something like “Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail!” This one is a little different. Notice: It’s OK to print this e-mail. Paper is a biodegradable, renewable, sustainable product made …

Corn, Environment, Farming, Forestry, GROWMARK

New Resources Available for Dairy Producers

Talia Goes

The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy announced new science-based resources available for dairy producers, processors, industry partners and stakeholders. The resources help the industry act on the unprecedented scientific research commissioned as part of the U.S. Dairy Sustainability Commitment — a collective effort of the dairy value chain to measure and improve the sustainability of U.S. dairy from farm to …

Agribusiness, Dairy, Environment, Publication

Novus’ Commitment to Sustainability

Jamie Johansen

The vision at Novus International is to feed the world affordable, wholesome food. They have adopted a three pillar stance of solution, service and sustainability all tied in to thinking globally, but acting locally. Sustainability is the cornerstone of their vision to improve the quality of life for people around the world. During the recent International Production and Processing Expo, …

Audio, Environment, IPPE, Novus International, Poultry Expo, Sustainability

Syngenta Promotes Safety Benefits of Atrazine

Joanna Schroeder

Have you visited the Oasis yet? Syngenta recently launched the website “Saving the Oasis” to promote the safety of using atrazine. During the Farm Progress Show, Cindy Zimmerman caught up with Ann Bryan of Syngenta to learn more about the campaign. The website features several documentaries: “Atrazine and Water,” “Atrazine and Safety,” and “Atrazine and Food Safety”. The goal of the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Environment, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta

Become a Carbon Farmer

Joanna Schroeder

Do you ever sit around your kitchen table and contemplate other crops you might like to grow? Here is a novel idea – grow carbon. What you ask? Growers across the country are becoming carbon farmers as highlighted in the documentary film Carbon Nation. The film touts itself as a “climate change solutions movie that doesn’t even care if you …

Agribusiness, Education, Environment, Video

Finding Balance Between Business and Environment

Chuck Zimmerman

At the closing dinner for the 2012 Conservation in Action Tour, Trudy Fisher, Executive Director of the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality spoke to our group. Trudy told us that she’s a farmer’s daughter and has farming experience herself. For that reason, the things we were seeing and hearing about on the tour are near and dear to her heart. …

Ag Groups, Audio, Conservation, CTIC, Environment

Locust Trace AgriScience Farm

Jamie Johansen

Locust Trace AgriScience Farm is the newest career and technical high school in Lexington, Kentucky with energy and environmental being key factors in the facility design and agriculture being the educational focus. Locust Trace features spacious classrooms with adjoining labs, 6.5 acres for gardening, a state-of-the-art greenhouse with an aquaculture area for raising native fish, a soaring auditorium with a …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture, Beef, Conservation, Dairy, Education, Energy, Environment, Farming, FFA, Horses, Livestock, Poultry, Technology, Veterinary

Syngenta Saving The Oasis

Chuck Zimmerman

Farmers, the original environmentalists. Continuing the tradition and using good science to do so. Syngenta today announced the launch of a new website, “Saving the Oasis,” featuring three short documentaries that tell the story of how atrazine helps modern farmers protect precious water and soil resources while aiding the environment and economy. The site also contains information about other Syngenta …

Agribusiness, Environment, Syngenta

Chillin In My Corn Watch

Joanna Schroeder

While Cindy and Chuck are traveling around the country bringing you real agricultural news, I’m chillin on this beautiful day in my corn watch. Yes, you heard me right, I have an environmentally friendly watch that is partly made from corn. Sprout Watches manufactures a line of eco-friendly watches that contain corn resin and bamboo. The watches come in multiple …

Corn, Environment