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Archer Malmo Wins Second in State Corn Yield Contest

Cindy Zimmerman

Archer Malmo is an agency that really knows ag so well they can produce contest winning corn yields. The ag team at Archer Malmo, in partnership with the research team at Agricenter International, achieved their Project 300 corn yield goal by growing 333 bushel per acre of corn on a 3.3-acre plot area. The agency also placed second in the …

Agencies, Corn, NCGA

Hula Wins Corn Yield Contest – Again

Cindy Zimmerman

Not another world record, but Virginia farmer David Hula once again topped 600 bushels per acre this year in NCGA’s National Corn Yield Contest to take the number one spot. Hula, who has won the contest for multiple years, produced 602.1694 bushels per acre, which is down from his previous world record of 616.1953 bushels per acre accomplished in 2019. …

Corn, NCGA

NK Field Forged Performs Well in 2021

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta Seeds has just released new data from the 2021 harvest on performance of the NK Field Forged Series™. “Considering all that farmers had to be challenged with this year, from drought to flood, to corn rootworm to tar spot, we performed really well,” said Jim Shertzer, NK Seed marketing head, at last month’s NAFB Trade Talk. The Field Forged …

Audio, Corn, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

Basse Provides Annual Ag Economic Update at #ASTACSS

Cindy Zimmerman

AgResource Company president Dan Basse was back in person with his annual update on the global agricultural market at the 2021 ASTA CSS & Seed Expo on Tuesday. Basse has presented at the event every year since 2012 and, as always, he packed a lot of information into an hour. Among the trends he noted for the coming year – …

ASTA, Audio, Corn, Seed, Soybean, Swine

Enogen in the MILK Business

Cindy Zimmerman

Now in its 19th year, the MILK Business Conference is a must-attend event for commercial dairy farmers seeking seeking insight to better manage their dairy and their bottom line and one of this year’s elite sponsors was Enogen Feed from Syngenta. The Farm Journal event last week was an opportunity for Enogen Strategic Account Manager Todd Axtell to tell the …

Audio, Corn, Dairy, Farm Journal, Feed, Syngenta

Syngenta Partners With Dairy Industry and Nature Conservancy

Cindy Zimmerman

The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy has announced a partnership with Syngenta and The Nature Conservancy to help dairy producers “reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve water quality and strengthen farm resilience.” You can listen to an interview with Chris Cook, Head of Enogen, and Liz Hunt, Head of Sustainable & Responsible Business for Syngenta, who explain more about the initiative: …

Audio, Corn, Dairy, Feed, Livestock, Sustainability, Syngenta

New Podcast Compares Corn Ethanol with Carbon Markets

Cindy Zimmerman

“Corn Saves America” is the captivating title of the second installation of the podcast series from AEI Premium, the online community for agricultural decision makers. The new podcast explores agriculture’s role in environmental solutions, comparing and contrasting the rise of corn ethanol with today’s carbon markets. This season, hosts Sarah Mock, Brent Gloy, and David Widmar are back, along with …

carbon, Corn, Ethanol, Podcasts

Short-Stature Corn Next Big Thing from Bayer

Cindy Zimmerman

“Short-stature corn is the next big thing in agriculture,” said Liam Condon, member of the Board of Management of Bayer AG and President of the Crop Science Division, during an investor call this week on the company’s latest progress in delivering customer-focused, sustainable agricultural innovation. Condon says short-stature corn has several benefits for growers. “First, it has thus far shown …

Audio, Bayer, Corn

New NCGA President Meets the Media

Cindy Zimmerman

Chris Edgington of St. Ansgar, Iowa, became president of the Corn Board of the National Corn Growers Association as of October 1. Edgington raises corn and soybeans along with his dad, brother and son. Chris and his wife, Vanessa, have two children, Alex and Elizabeth. In addition to his row crop operation, he gains insight into livestock through a small …

Audio, Corn, NCGA

Start 2022 Weed Control with Acuron® GT

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta’s new corn herbicide Acuron® GT was registered earlier this year for post-emergence use in glyphosate-tolerant corn and keeping track of this year’s weeds will help get ready to control for next season. Acuron GT combines the proven performance of Halex® GT corn herbicide with the active ingredient bicyclopyrone (BIR), which helps Acuron GT provide enhanced post-emergence control of yield-robbing …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta, weed management