2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Endangered Species Act Discussion at #Classic23

Cindy Zimmerman

The Endangered Species Act is “one of the most difficult pesticide issues” farmers have faced on the federal level and they need to be aware of what could happen on their operations as a result of it. Mary Kay Thatcher, Syngenta Senior Manager, Federal Government and Industry Relations, led a panel discussion on the ESA at Commodity Classic last week …

Audio, Commodity Classic, EPA, pesticides, Syngenta

ZimmCast 708 – New at Commodity Classic

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. ZimmComm is celebrating 19 years in business this month. Our primary service at the time was AgNewsWire and sending news releases with pre-recorded audio to ag media representatives. Additionally, we had a number of projects of various sorts that included media buying for a local Sheriff’s race. But once AgWired, which started as my …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Fertilizer, Seed, Soil, Syngenta, ZimmCast

Rabobank Analyst Sees Potential in SAF

Cindy Zimmerman

The sky seems to be the limit for the future of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and can be a real opportunity for farmers, according to RaboResearch Senior Grains & Oilseeds Analyst Owen Wagner. Wagner was at Commodity Classic last week talking about how sustainable aviation fuel fits into the landscape for commodity demand. “This (SAF) is not just for vegetable …

Audio, Biodiesel, Biofuels, Commodity Classic, Corn, Ethanol, Soybean

What’s New With Syngenta?

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta had a lot to talk about at the Commodity Classic last week in Orlando. Paul Minehart, who has been Syngenta Head Crop Protection Communications North America since 2009, told us he will be retiring soon. But first, he moderated the Syngenta crop protection and seeds press conference at Classic, which started off with the big coming-soon announcement about Storen …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic, Syngenta

NK Seeds Taking Aim at Tar Spot

Cindy Zimmerman

Tar Spot cost U.S. farmers more than 231 million bushels of corn in 2021, according to the Crop Protection Network, and last year there were outbreaks reported in eight states. NK Seeds has compiled products, tools and agronomic tips to help farmers know how to recognize and manage Tar Spot to prevent it from having a significant impact on their …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NK Seeds, Seed, Syngenta

Secretary Vilsack Makes 10th Appearance at Classic

Cindy Zimmerman

Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack addressed the Commodity Classic for the 10th time last week, counting the virtual event in 2021. Vilsack took the opportunity to sign memorandums for two of USDA’s new Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities programs – Farmers for Soil Health (FSH) and the Midwest Climate Smart Commodities Project. “It is the beginning of a process of a …

Ag Groups, AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic, USDA

Syngenta Seeks to Simplify Seed with GHX

Cindy Zimmerman

At Commodity Classic last week, Syngenta announced a new way to buy seed, available first to farmers in Iowa and Illinois. “Seed Simplified” is the slogan GHX by Golden Harvest® has adopted for this new concept. “Basically it’s a simple way for farmers to buy seed…modern, simple and seamless,” said Morgan Dugan, Golden Harvest, commercial unit head Iowa and Illinois. …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

NK Seeds Highlights 2023 NK Soybean Lineup

Cindy Zimmerman

At Commodity Classic last week, NK Seeds was proud to talk about their soybean lineup for the 2023 growing season, offering trait choices farmers want and need, including Enlist E3® and XtendFlex® soybean technologies. “Now more than ever, farmers are looking for choices, along with trait flexibility and, subsequently, strong defensive agronomic traits,” says Jared Benson, Soybean Product Manager at …

Audio, Commodity Classic, NK Seeds, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

Syngenta Welcomes Attendees to #Classic23

Cindy Zimmerman

The traditional Syngenta Welcome Party marked the start of the 2023 Commodity Classic in Orlando yesterday and the company captured a lot of the buzz at the opening of the trade show today. “It’s a great way to start the new crop year,” said Jim Shertzer, Head of Branded Marketing, Syngenta North America Seeds. As always, there is plenty that …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Seed, Syngenta

HGS BioScience™ and Tiger-Sul® Partner for Soil Health

Cindy Zimmerman

HGS BioScience™, a leader in the manufacture of dry-delivery, functional carbon, and Tiger-Sul® Products LLC, leaders in sulphur bentonite and micronutrient-enhanced crop performance products, are debuting a new strategic partnership for high-value soil health and nutritional products at Commodity Classic this week. The first product in their joint venture is Tiger® Humi[K]™ 4%, which combines functional carbon with sulphur bentonite, …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Nutrient Management, Soil