As of June 1, there were 73.5 million hogs and pigs on U.S. farms, up three percent from June 2017, and up 1 percent from March 1, according to the USDA’s Quarterly Hogs and Pigs Report out Thursday. The National Pork Board provided commentators to discuss the report via teleconference. The call featured three distinguished agricultural economists and their reactions …
Alltech’s Total Replacement Technology Boosts Performance
Research from Alltech shows that replacing inorganic trace minerals with the same minerals in an organic form can provide huge benefits for swine producers. Alltech’s Total Replacement Technology (TRT) includes feeding plant-based trace minerals like the company’s Bioplex product, according to Russell Gilliam, U.S. Swine Business Manager. “So that animal is able to absorb that mineral better, which leads to …
Hubbard’s Swine Research Facility a Valuable Asset
Hubbard‘s new Leavenworth Livestock Research Center in Minnesota gives the company an expanded opportunity to do meaningful research around swine nutrition. The facility is a 5,000-head barn designed to house pigs from wean to finish. Two rooms offer the possibility of side by side trials in a fully filtered barn that greatly decreases any possibility of disease. The feeding system …
Showing Swine is Show-Rite Specialty
The World Pork Expo Junior National competition set another record this year with nearly 1,200 youth from 32 states, up from 1,050 last year, and 2,800 live hogs exhibited, an increase of 300 from 2017. Helping many of those exhibitors breed the best animals they can is what Show-Rite feeds does best. Show-Rite Ambassador James Backman said it begins with …
WPX18 Sets Records
The 2018 World Pork Expo, presented by the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC), marked 30 years June 6-8 with a record number of trade-show exhibitors, hospitality tents, educational seminars and live hogs in the Junior National show. “It’s hard to believe Expo has been around for 30 years,” says Jim Heimerl, NPPC president and producer from Johnstown, Ohio. “I hope …
Profitability Begins with Nutrition
Pork producers visiting the World Pork Expo each year are often looking for new innovations and technologies that can help them to be more profitable. “When they look at production, they want sows that have good litters, healthy litters,” said Lori Stevemer, species marketing manager with Hubbard Feeds. “They want pigs to get going in the nursery, to grow well, …
Show-Rite Feeds Champions
Show-Rite® Show Feeds has made winning a habit for its customers and, as part of the Alltech Feed Division and Hubbard Feeds, the company is part of an even bigger winning team. “Our team is second to none and in some way all of our specialists are tied to the industry,” says Show-Rite regional representative Mari Palacio. “Then the opportunities …
Analyzing Mycotoxin Levels in Swine Feed
The results of the 2017 harvest analysis with regard to mycotoxin levels show that the 2017 crop was similar to the 2016 crop, and levels were possibly a bit less than in 2015. Alltech‘s Dr. Max Hawkins said analysis is important as swine producers try to mitigate the risk of mycotoxin exposure in feed. “We need to get an idea …
Show-Rite on Site at World Pork Expo
Show-Rite®, which is part of Hubbard Feeds family, provides nutrition programs formulated specifically for breeders and exhibitors who want their show animals to perform their very best. Ryan Sites was at World Pork Expo last week as part of the technical support team for Show-Rite and had a chance to talk to many of those who were participating in the …
Hubbard Showcases Blueprint Swine Program at #WPX18
Success is often achieved by simply following the blueprint. At last week’s World Pork Expo, Hubbard Feeds showcased its Blueprint® program for swine, a species-specific program to help producers identify ways to improve efficiency and maximize genetic performance. “For pigs, we designed different sow, nursery, and finisher programs that include between six and 12 different Alltech technologies,” said Dr. Stewart …