NAFB Awards for Creative Excellence

Jamie Johansen

The Plambeck Award of Creative Excellence was also announced during the Night of Honors at the 71st National Association of Farm Broadcasting’s annual meeting. The single entry winner went to SFP, A Verdesian Life Science Company, and OsbornBarr for their More Than Manure Nutrient Manager. The radio spot targeted swine producers and farmers in Minnesota and Iowa who handle manure …

Ag Groups, Agencies, Agribusiness, NAFB

Using Social Listening for Content Ideation at AgCatalyst

Chuck Zimmerman

Ideation is the forming of ideas or concepts. When it comes to online content creation where do you get the inspiration for your ideation? How about social listening? That’s a take away from the AgCatalyst session by Hannah Godfrey, Brandwatch. When it’s all about content creation to tell your brand’s story sometimes listening to what your customers are saying is …

Agencies, Audio, Social Media

Become an AgCatalyst

Chuck Zimmerman

What is an AgCatalyst? In this week’s ZimmCast Roger Reierson, AdFarm, is going to tell us. AgCatalyst is a two day conference where marketing and communications professionals learn how to solve agribusiness challenges and create opportunities by using digital social communications tools and strategies. Presenters include agribusiness and food industry experts and some completely outside the industry. Roger says that …

Agencies, Audio, ZimmCast

Talk About Digital Food Fights

Chuck Zimmerman

The title for this morning’s AgCatalyst keynote sounds daunting, “Exploring Humanity’s Ag Communications History Spanning from Egyptian Emojis to Today’s Digital Food Fight.” How do you pack all that into one session? Well, Susan Beebe, Manager of Social Media & Online Communities, Tyson Foods, is doing just that. I visited with her earlier to get some take-aways from her presentation. …

Agencies, Audio, Food

The Sales Lion Prowls at AgCatalyst

Chuck Zimmerman

Marcus Sheridan started out his career as a “pool guy.” But today he has a digital marketing agency, The Sales Lion. This guy has lots of energy which you’ll be able to hear in a snippet of his AgCatalyst presentation below. I also interviewed him to get a few take-aways to share with you. First, he says “We have to …

Agencies, Audio

Farmers as AgCatalysts

Chuck Zimmerman

Dave Frederickson, Minnesota Commissioner of Agriculture, greeted the attendees of the 2014 AgCatalyst event this afternoon. The theme of the event is “It’s All About the Content.” Dave says, “I believe the best way to drive good content is characters. What better way to tell the story about agriculture than through the eyes and actions of our farmers and ranchers …

Agencies, Audio, Social Networking

AgCatalyst Off to the Races

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2014 AgCatalyst, sponsored by AdFarm, is off to the races. I say that because our opening keynote is from Marcus Sheridan, The Sales Lion. He is a wild animal on the stage talking about how sales and marketing have changed. He’s letting us know what we “must” do about it. I hope to get him to sit down for …


Will You Be an AgCatalyst

Chuck Zimmerman

Here at AgWired we have believed from day one that “It’s all about the content.” And that’s the theme of this year’s AgCatalyst event taking place next week in Minneapolis. I will there and hope to be creating some great online content to share with you. It’s my understanding that registrations have already surpassed last year’s event and if you …


Get Your AgCatalyst On

Chuck Zimmerman

Perhaps you’re wondering what an AgCatalyst is? Josh Lysne can tell you about it. I will be attending the event this year following the Advanced Biofuels Conference in Minneapolis. Isn’t that convenient? This video might help you understand what you want to participate in. This is not the first AgCatalyst. In this video AgCatalyst attendees discuss how the 2013 AgCatalyst …


AgCatalyst Registration Open

Chuck Zimmerman

Version two of AgCatalyst is going to be happening in Minneapolis on October 15-16. This two day conference brings together marketing and communication professionals to learn how to solve agribusiness challenges with a strong focus on digital social communications tools and strategies. You’re invited according to Josh Lysne, AdFarm. He’s in the AdFarm booth at the Ag Media Summit here …

Ag Media Summit, Agencies, Audio