2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Cotton Consultants Focused on Regulatory Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

Adapting to regulations is a constant theme in the life of cotton consultants, but this year more than ever the Beltwide Cotton Consultants Conference wanted to stress how new regulations will be impacting the industry. “We set up a central theme this year of regulatory issues, primarily focused around the marriage of EPA with Fish and Wildlife with some of …

Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

USDA Completes Reform of Packers & Stockyards Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

In one of his last official acts in the waning days of the Biden administration, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced the third installment in a series of regulatory reforms under the Packers and Stockyards Act. Along with other finalized updates, this completes a major regulatory reform intended to “level the playing field for farmers who raise chicken, turkeys, hogs, …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Livestock, Poultry, USDA

Agri-Pulse Announces 2025 Ag & Food Policy Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

“Navigating Taxes, Trade and Technology: What’s Ahead for Food & Agriculture?” is the theme for the annual Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit on March 17 in Washington, D.C. The Summit will feature keynote speakers and panelists focused on these topics as well as provide time for networking with industry leaders. “President-elect Trump has made it clear that he plans …

Agri-Pulse, Agribusiness, Food

Regev Hybrid Fungicide Receives California Registration

Cindy Zimmerman

Summit Agro has announced the use of Regev hybrid fungicide has been approved by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation, giving California growers a unique new tool in their battle against many fungal and bacterial diseases. Regev is the first hybrid fungicide in that it unites the disease fighting power of botanical and conventional chemistries. Specifically, the product combines Tea …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Fungicide, specialty crops

Treasury 45Z Guidance Offers Little Clarity for Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

The biggest piece of the puzzle for the 45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit implementation was left out of the guidance issued last week by U.S. Treasury, leaving farmers still uncertain about what practices they would need to implement this year for the crops to qualify. The guidance includes both a notice of intent to propose regulations on the section 45Z …

ACE, Ethanol, Farming

2025 Beltwide Cotton Conferences Preview

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Cotton Council is ready to welcome all to the 2025 Beltwide Cotton Conferences next week, January 14-16, at the New Orleans Marriott, New Orleans, LA. Three days of individual reports, panel discussions, hands on workshops and seminars are designed to provide attendees with information they need to help producers make key cotton production/marketing-related decisions. Conferences coordinator Lauren Krogman …

Audio, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

MyLand and Texas A&M AgriLife Offer Soil Health Courses

Cindy Zimmerman

Soil health innovation leader MyLand is launching a new Educational Hub in collaboration with Texas A&M AgriLife Research, featuring six online courses designed to educate individuals on the importance of soil health. The Educational Hub will offer courses that address critical soil health topics, including: 1. Introduction to Soil Health 2. Chemical Traits of Soil 3. Physical Traits of Soil …

AgWired Precision, land, Soil

DWFI Podcast 40 – Irrigation’s Role in Agricultural Productivity

Cindy Zimmerman

In the 40th episode of the Water for Food Podcast, Daugherty Water for Food Institute (DWFI) Director of Communications and Public Relations Frances Hayes sits down with Darren Siekman at the Valmont Industries headquarters in Omaha, Nebraska. Darren is the Vice President of Policy and Industry Strategy at Valley Agriculture, a Valmont Company. The two discuss Valmont’s history and global …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Farming, Food, Irrigation, Water, Water for Food

Agrauxine by Lesaffre Announces New Microbial Bio-nematicide

Cindy Zimmerman

Agrauxine by Lesaffre announces the launch of its new bio-nematicide Atroforce to the marketplace for use on soybeans, corn, cotton and potatoes as well as other cereal grains, brassicas, cucurbits and fiber type plants. Atroforce is a broad spectrum bio-nematicide that reduces damage caused by nematodes including lesion, dagger, root know, reniform, spiral, lance and soybean cyst and minimizes egg …

Biologicals, Corn, Crop Protection, Fungicide