BIO President On Ag & Renewable Fuel

Chuck Zimmerman

Greenwood & MullenThe President of BIO, Jim Greenwood (l) and Chairman, Jim Mullen (r), made some remarks to the press this morning.

I asked them about agriculture and renewable fuels. Jim Greenwood answered and he gave a very good synopsis of how important biotechnology is to agriculture and our food supply. He also talks about the importance of technology advances in biofuels. You can listen to Jim Greenwood’s answer here: Listen To MP3 Jim Greenwood (3 min MP3)

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications

Audio, Biotech, Ethanol, Farming

Question For Governor Blagojevich

Chuck Zimmerman

IL Gov Rod BlagojevichIt wasn’t real easy but I was able to ask llinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, a quick question after he cut the ribbon prior to the trade show. I think it’s interesting how agriculture is being integrated into this year’s conference here in Illinois so I asked him about the importance of agriculture and especially renewable fuels to the state.

You can listen to his answer here: Listen To MP3 Governor Blagojevich (1 min MP3)

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


BIO Trade Show Ribbon Cutting

Chuck Zimmerman

BIO Trade Show Ribbon CuttingThe trade show here at BIO 2006 is in full swing and it’s huge. I don’t see how it’s possible to visit every aisle in 3 days if that’s all you did.

To kick it off, Illinois Governor, Rod Blagojevich, did the ribbon cutting. Just before they pulled the scissors out he and BIO President, Jim Greenwood made a few comments.

You can listen to the ribbon cutting remarks here: Listen To MP3 Ribbon Cutting Remarks (3 min MP3) Note: The audio was a little too hot but it’s very understandable.

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


BIO Press Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

BIO Press ConferenceThis is just an update to the last post. The announcement of the new study is being made at a press conference that is taking place right now.

In just a few minutes I hope to interview the leadershio of the BIO and will post those later today.

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


Biosciences Employ 1.2 Million

Chuck Zimmerman

Bioscience 06 ReportThe first news of the day is the release of a new report by BIO and Batelle. The report is titled, “Growing The Nation’s Biotech Sector: State Bioscience Initiatives 2006.” You can find the executive summary here. The report says that the biosciences now consist of more than 40,000 businesses employing 1.2 million people in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Some other key findings include:

  • Total employment in the biosciences in the United States reached 1.2 million in 2004, with bioscience workers found in all 50 states and Puerto Rico. The highest rate of growth in jobs is in the research, testing, and medical laboratories sector.
  • The nation’s 1.2 million bioscience jobs generated an additional 5.8 million jobs in the economy. Each bioscience job in the United States generates 5.7 additional jobs in affiliated industries.
  • States are spending billions of dollars to support bioscience research and development, with research funds and construction of academic and medical facilities.
  • States are also using investment funds and tax incentives to attract large industry anchors, instead of solely focusing on launching and growing new bioscience ventures.
  • Smaller states that have not traditionally invested in building bioscience industries are beginning to do so.

  • AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


    Ballroom Reception

    Chuck Zimmerman

    BIO BallroomThis is just the ballroom area of the opening reception. I know it’s hard to see but there’s a guy in a white tux in the center tower who was conducting the 3 sets of musicians on different balcony stages.

    After the main course at serving stages all around the room you could go up on the middle stage for dessert.

    AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


    Blues BIO

    Chuck Zimmerman

    BIO BluesThe barbershop guys were good but give me some blues. Like these guys who were singing about Georgia.

    They got people’s attention.

    Short video: Watch WMV file Blues Dudes (1 min wmv)

    AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


    Barbershop The BIO Way

    Chuck Zimmerman

    BIO BarbershopThe opening reception was all about food and good music. Take the BIO Barbershop (my name for them). These guys were good. They were only one of about six groups performing on different levels and areas of the Navy Pier.

    I didn’t find anyone to interview but I’m sure that will change tomorrow. There will be relevant news on food and agriculture. In fact, food and agriculture are highly featured here with over 1,000 square feet of corn on display in the exhibit hall. I will check that out tomorrow.

    AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


    BIO Newsroom Home

    Chuck Zimmerman

    BIO 2006 News RoomI have arrived at BIO 2006 and the first thing to do was check in and scope out the news room layout. Very nicely done. I didn’t even bother to count how many work stations are set up here. It’s first come, first serve so I’ll be here early tomorrow.

    This will be home for most of the next several days. You should see the “program.” I’ve seen many telephone books that are smaller. There’s no way to read it in 3 days but it’s well organized. There’s a nice tab for the agenda which I think is most important. Everyone who attends receives a very nice little shoulder pack. And of course it has an iPod holder and hole to poke your headphone cord through.

    I’ve requested an interview with a communications director to talk about what it took to put the whole media outreach and press center together for this event. The staff person I spoke with said I was the only reporter they knew who is blogging this event. Interesting.

    AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


    Chicago Arrival Video

    Chuck Zimmerman

    BIO ArrivalWhat does a bored blogger do after 7 hours of driving? Find something to blog about. Kids, this is not something I recommend unless you’ve driven several million miles like I have.

    Short video clip: Watch WMV file Arriving In Chicago (2 min wmv)

    AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications
