What’s New At BIO 2006

Chuck Zimmerman

Most of Sunday will be a travel day to get to Chicago so the next time your hear from me I’ll be in the windy city. One of the 60+ press releases I’ve received on BIO 2006 is about “what’s new at BIO.” Well for me it will all be new since I’ve never been. I’m guessing that there’s some other newbies in the 18,000 plus expected to show up. But in case you’re a BIO veteran here’s what they say is new.

· Four new topics have been added to the list of breakout sessions: Devices and Diagnostics, Emerging Markets, Marketing, and Regenerative Medicine.

· Three new specialty pavilions in the BIO2006 Exhibit Hall which offer a unique set of exhibits. The specialty areas are: Food and Agriculture, Industrial and Environment, and Supplier and Service Providers.

· “Innovative Solutions for Translational Research,” a new program sponsored by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Discussion of case studies of internal and external entities established to provide resources, assistance, and acceleration in translational research and/or the commercialization of university discoveries.

· The exhibit hall at BIO 2006 will be the largest gathering of biotechnology exhibitors in history, including more than 1,600 companies, organizations and institutions representing every aspect of the biotechnology industry. With 176,000 net square feet of exhibit space, the hall is approximately the size of three football fields.

Three football fields. I guess I had better put on my walking shoes. Sounds like I won’t need an extra workout.

AgWired coverage of BIO 2006 is made possible by: Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications


Not All Wind

Chuck Zimmerman

My fellow blogger Paul Conley has a new blog project called Wind Farm News. I’ll let him explain what it’s all about:

Welcome to Wind Farm News, a community that fosters the business of wind farming.

This is a business-to-business (B2B) publication. And I’m a B2B journalist. That means that Wind Farm News is about information and commentary related to the businesses that pull energy from the sky. We’ll look for the most interesting pieces of content available on the Web, and we hope to create some ourselves.

We’ll emphasize news about engineering, marketing, distribution, technology, sales and other areas of interest to the industry. We welcome your comments and your participation.

Please visit and let him know what you think. I know some people think that if I put a turbine on my desk I could probably power my whole neighborhood!


2008 World Ag Expo Chairman

Chuck Zimmerman

Shelley & Dan KhalTalk about getting the word out in advance. I guess this show is so big you’ve got to start working on it over a year out. Shelley Khal, chairman of the World Ag Expo Media Committee, has been named 2008 World Ag Expo show chairman.

The future chairman brings a heritage of passion for World Ag Expo to her role. She is not only the wife of past chairman, Dan Khal (2003), but a member of a large family of Orange Jacket volunteers. Brother-in-law, Andre, works for Dan on the Building Committee; sister-in-law, Carla, helps in the Media Center as does son, Brian, 13. Son Chris, 20, is on the Motor Pool Committee while son David, 15 1/2, helps in the Media Center and in ‘07 will serve on the Freight Committee. Other family members serve as interpreters for the International Business Center .

Farm Shows

Canadian Support Extreme Measures to Contain Avian Flu

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensA report from Ipsos Reid shows most Canadians will support extreme measures to contain the threat of a human pandemic resulting from avian influenza. With many experts predicting H5N1 Avian Flu could reach North America by this fall, a survey of 16 hundred Canadians conducted earlier this month, as part of a tracking study of attitudes toward the issue, found six in ten Canadians have concerns about the virus.

Vice president in charge of Ipsos Reid’s public affairs trends division Dr. Glenys Babcock says the study explored potential public policy. “”It turns out Canadians overwhelmingly support serious measures to contain avian flu should it arise in Canada as an epidemic,” said Glenys. “We asked about people spending time in quarantine due to the avian flu, should they be in contact with it, and facing criminal charges if they violate it, businesses being required to waive sick leave, mandatory court ordered quarantines and pets, including destroying pets infected with the H5N1 virus to prevent transmission of the virus to humans.”Read More


Grassroots In Action at D&PL

Chuck Zimmerman

Tiny Miss GeorgiaI’ve been meaning to follow up on a story from last month on how D&PL’s grassroots initiative for National Agriculture Week went. Janice Person was kind enough to send me a page from their employee newsletter that highlights individuals and how they found creative ways to distribute the “Did You Know” cards supplied by the National Cotton Council. For example, the picture is Mary Madeline, this year’s Tiny Miss Georgia Cotton who attended the state’s ag week kick-off with her mom. Her dad (D&PL employee) made sure they had cards in hand as Mary Madeline visited with commissioner of agriculture Tommy Irving (shown in photo).

The efforts of D&PL’s employees and business partners to draw positive attention to the cotton industry for National Agriculture Week went well. The photo at right from agwired.com shows the type of attention we received from media – this was shared by customers and others who found the information of interest.

We have heard some success stories on how well employees used the cards and want to say thank you to everyone who helped raise awareness.

In addition to this, employees at the National Cotton Council conducted similar efforts across the U.S., with employees in their Washington DC and Memphis offices joining their field employees. And Planters Bank in the Delta handed them out at the 14 branch locations across the region.

It sounds like this might become an annual event.


The Horse Clonerers

Chuck Zimmerman

Royal Blue Boon & CloneIf you’re not “horsey” then you might not have heard about the fact that a couple of horses were cloned recently and seem to be doing very well. They’re the result of a collaborative effort between Viagen, Inc. and Encore Genetics.

“The legendary cutting horse Royal Blue Boon, a registered American Quarter Horse, became the first mare to be commercially cloned when a foal was born to a recipient mare on Royal Vista Southwest farms in Purcell, Okla., on Feb. 19, 2006. The foal was born healthy and continues to thrive on the farm where she was born. She was joined soon after by a clone of the mare Tap O Lena, born at the same farm on March 9, 2006.

You can watch a video of the Royal Blue Boon meeting her clone here: Watch Video Clone Video (13 min wmv) There are a number of additional clones to be born still this year.

Agribusiness, Video

Blogging, Blogging on the BIO

Chuck Zimmerman

BIO 2006It’s all going to be here on AgWired too. I’ll be blogging the BIO, live from Chicago’s McCormick Place starting at the end of this weekend. This is going to be an interesting challenge. They’re claiming a crowd of nearly 20,000 people from all over the world.

Rhea & Kaiser Marketing CommunicationsThe biggest news though is that my coverage is being sponsored by Rhea & Kaiser Marketing Communications. Just recently we reported that the agency has joined with Worldwide Partners, Inc. I think these folks are really open to new ways of doing things and this sponsorship is ample proof of that. In fact, R&K is going to have the distinction of being the first agency to advertise on AgWired. Is it too early to call it a trend?

I want to say thank you to Steve Rhea and his staff for this opportunity to work with them on this event. You’ll be seeing lots of interesting content here as we work through the coming days.

I’ve got to give you my BIO news release update. I’m up to 60 news releases that have been emailed to me this week so far. Most of them are an announcement about a press conference or interview opportunity. There’s no way a lone blogger can make them all but I’ll be at as many as I can. I look forward to bringing you the best of the BIO.

Agencies, Biotech

Have a Steak Sundae

Chuck Zimmerman

Steak SundaeI just had to post this because of the picture. We just sent out a Talking News Release for long time client, the Missouri Beef Industry Council on the steak sundae. It had me fooled when I first looked at it. I was wondering how beef would go with ice cream. But read on:

April is the “Month of the Young Child” and anyone who has children knows how difficult it can be to get them to eat nutritious foods. To make it a little easier, the Missouri Beef Industry Council (MBIC) offers a fun idea for even the pickiest eaters – the Steak Sundae. According to MBIC marketing director Dawn Thurnau, the treat can be made by alternating layers of mashed potatoes and chunks of steak with warm barbeque sauce or gravy in a sundae dish.

“Then on the top you put your chunks of steak with another little dollop of mashed potatoes and then a cherry tomato on the very top with some green onions. So it looks just like a chocolate sundae, but tastes like an open-face roast beef sandwich,” said Thurnau

Listen to Dawn here: Listen to MP3 File Dawn (MP3)

Audio, Beef, Food

R&K Receives ARF’s Ogilvy

Chuck Zimmerman

Rhea & Kaiser ARF stands for Advertising Research Foundation. And ARF bestows the David Ogilvy Award at it’s annual convention which was just held in New York City. Rhea & Kaiser received the award in the services/retail/media category.

The award, which recognizes the role that insightful research plays in developing marketing and advertising campaigns that deliver superior return on investment, was presented to R&K for the agency’s work on the Evanston Northwestern Healthcare “Why I Chose” campaign. R&K was the only independent advertising agency to be nominated for and to receive this award.


More Rural Broadband Loans Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

USDAHigh speed internet access in the countryside just keeps growing and USDA’s rural development assistance program is helping make that happen once again. This time three loans totaling $43.7 million were announced to provide broadband service to an estimated 41,000 rural households and businesses in four states. I would have to believe that some of those folks are farmer wouldn’t you?

The four states are Florida, Georgia, Minnesota and New York. I hope the companies receiving the loans do well.
