Terry Branstad Addresses Ag Outlook Forum

Lizzy Schultz

The distinguished speaker at this year’s USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum was former Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, who was recently nominated as ambassador to China. Branstad took time during his speech to praise incoming Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and share his thoughts on the future of agriculture and economic development in rural America. “Simply put, American agriculture is tied to …

Ag Groups, Audio, politics, Sustainability, USDA

N-WATCH Fits GROWMARK Sustainability Platform

Kelly Marshall

Farmers know that every year is different, so GROWMARK is helping producers make the best choices for their fields both environmentally and economically through the N-WATCH program. “It’s a tool that allows us to better manage nitrogen, so we’re doing what’s best for the crop from an economic standpoint, but also from an environmental standpoint, so we’re not over applying,” …

Audio, GROWMARK, Sustainability

National Stewardship Award Presented at #CattleCon17

Chuck Zimmerman

Congratulations go to Black Leg Ranch of McKenzie, ND. The ranch was named national 2016 winner of the prestigious Environmental Stewardship Award Program (ESAP) for its commitment to protecting America’s natural resources in a flourishing operation. Jamie was on hand to talk with Jerry Doan, family member, about their operation. Dow Agrosciences, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Fish and …

Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Environment, Sustainability, ZimmCast

#AFBF17 Panel Discusses Sustainability

Kelly Marshall

One of agriculture’s biggest frustrations is sustainability; not because we aren’t doing it, but because others are defining it for us, says Katie Heger, a farmer serving on American Farm Bureau Federation‘s Dirt on Sustainability panel. “We have a market that is trying to define what [sustainability] means to us and how we’re supposed to respond to that. Sustainability, really, …

AFBF, Audio, Sustainability

#Farmers View GMOs as Sustainable

Cindy Zimmerman

According to a new survey of U.S. farmers and ranchers, the majority view biotechnology and GMO crops as an important solution in helping raise crops more efficiently. The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) and National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) surveyed over 280 farmers across the United States about their attitudes toward GMO crops and specifically the impact of biotechnology …

Biotech, Corn, GMO, NCGA, Sustainability, USFRA

Sustainability was GROWMARK Topic at #NAFB16

Cindy Zimmerman

Lance Ruppert is the Director of Agronomy Marketing for GROWMARK. Among his many other responsibilities, Ruppert participated in the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Trade Talk event in Kansas City earlier this month, talking about the GROWMARK Endure sustainability platform and how higher yields are being attained more sustainably with better agronomics. With the genetic potential for crops is on …

Audio, GROWMARK, NAFB, Sustainability

Ag Groups Tell Dannon Sustainability Needs Biotech

Jamie Johansen

Top farming organizations joined together urging food companies to recognize that their sustainability goals, intended to reduce the use of natural resources, cannot be achieved without the use of modern agricultural practices, despite any misleading assertions to the contrary. This focus on deceptive food company marketing claims is in response to Dannon’s recent pledge to eliminate the use of safe …

Ag Groups, ASA, Food, NCGA, Sustainability, USFRA

World Food Day is October 16th

Lizzy Schultz

Mark your calendars: Sunday, October 16 is World Food Day 2016, and the theme of this year’s event is “Climate is changing. Food and agriculture must too.” The day will be one of the most celebrated events on the UN calendar, with over 150 countries recognizing it during various events and ceremonies. Rome is hosting several key World Food Day …

Ag Groups, Conservation, Events, Food, International, Sustainability

Watch 2016 GAP Report Release at World Food Prize Online

Jamie Johansen

Join the Global Harvest Initiative tomorrow for the 2016 Global Agricultural Productivity (GAP) Report on Sustainability in an Uncertain Season. The event will take place Oct. 12 from 11am to 1pm at the World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa. You can still register for the event, but more importantly, you can watch the live webcast. Global demand for food …

Ag Groups, Events, Food, Sustainability

USFRA Helps Farmers Speak on Sustainability

Joanna Schroeder

What does sustainability mean to you? What does it mean to your friends and family? Based on research from the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA), not the same thing. So if it means different things to different people then how do you communicate with consumers about the sustainable actions you are taking on your farm? Well, that’s easy, says …

Agribusiness, Audio, Sustainability, USFRA