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The NCBA 2024 Advocate of the Year – Emma Coffman

Chuck Zimmerman

Back in the early days of social media we used the term, agvocate. But it really is advocating and there is a new 2024 Advocate of the Year. She’s Emma Coffman, from Temple, TX. She was selected by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff. The award recognizes Coffman for her creative use of storytelling across …

Ag Groups, Audio, Beef, Beef Checkoff, NCBA, Social Media, Social Networking

ZimmCast 665 – All About AgWiki

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this week’s program we’re going to learn a lot about AgWiki from CEO, Randy Krotz. AgWiki is a community of farmers, researchers, nutritionists, and consultants seeking to discover solutions to sustainability and world hunger…socially. Randy will talk about the startup venture and what the mission is as well as how you can get …

Agribusiness, Audio, Farming, Food, Nutrition, Social Media, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Social Media Platform Decisions Causing Fear & Indecision

Chuck Zimmerman

We are still reeling from the events that occurred in Washington, DC recently and wonder where it will all end. We have been social media pioneers in this industry and started our company the same year Facebook started, but now we are concerned about what the future holds. We’ve already had some issues with the major platforms just from the …

Social Media, Social Networking

Becoming an Influencer and Content Producer

Chuck Zimmerman

I remember the first time my conference name badge said “Influencer” instead of “Media.” It was the 2017 Bayer Future of Farming Dialogue in Germany. Basically, a social media influencer is someone who has established credibility in a specific industry, has access to a large audience in that industry, and has the tools and authenticity to attract followers and create …

Internet, Social Media, Social Networking

ZimmCast 588 – Social Networking & Ethanol Education

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I’m going to cover a couple of different topics, although there are some common elements from an educational perspective. First up is Joanna Guza, Digital Communications Manager, Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative and Dairy Business Association, as well as volunteer with GMO Answers. We talk about social networking as a tool to reach people about topics like …

Audio, Dairy, Education, Ethanol, Social Networking, ZimmCast

Check Your Facebook Settings

Chuck Zimmerman

The first time I received this message I didn’t really pay attention. Then I got it two more times and read it in full and researched it online to make sure this is a real thing. And guess what? It is a real thing. Essentially my account was one of the bazillion that had data involved in the whole Cambridge …

Social Networking

Social Media Award for @Bayer

Chuck Zimmerman

One company that really “gets” social media in my opinion is Bayer. I’m not alone. The evidence comes in the form of some great recognition for their efforts. In this week’s program I talk with Bayer’s Jeff Donald about their use of social media on the ag side and how they measure success. The “Bayer gets scientifically social” campaign has …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Social Networking, ZimmCast

AgFuse Wants to Connect Farmers

Chuck Zimmerman

It has been a while since I’ve seen an announcement of a social network designed to connect farmers and the whole agricultural community. But I just found out about AgFuse. Take a look and let me know what you think. Learn more below. AgFuse is a free social media tool created specifically to connect farmers and the agricultural community with …

Social Networking