2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

RaboResearch Launches Frutonomía Fresh Produce Podcast

Cindy Zimmerman

Rabobank’s RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness (F&A) team today announced the launch of a new podcast called Frutonomía to explore the challenges, trends and opportunities for the global fruit market. Presented primarily in Spanish and co-hosted by horticulture and fresh produce analysts David Magaña and Gonzalo Salinas, each episode of the podcast will highlight individual fresh fruit markets, taking an in-depth …

Food, Podcasts, Produce, Research, specialty crops

Pathogens Identified as Cause of Citrus Fruit Drop

Cindy Zimmerman

Research conducted in the European Union by KeyPlex at the University of Torino in Italy have determined causes of fruit drop on citrus, and the results will help to guide the citrus industry into the future. While fruit drop was thought to be caused by physiological conditions and other pathogens such as huang long bing (HLB), the research has clearly …

Citrus, Research

ASTA Witness Testifies on Farm Bill Research Programs

Cindy Zimmerman

*POST UPDATED WITH AUDIO* Members of the Senate Agriculture Committee heard testimony from Dr. Katy Martin Rainey, Associate Professor, Agronomy, Purdue University, on behalf of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) during a hearing Tuesday on “Farm Bill 2023: Research Programs.” Rainey spoke to the foundational role of agriculture research in the 2023 Farm Bill in ensuring a secure agricultural …

ASTA, Audio, Farm Bill, Research

USDA Trains Dogs to Hunt Citrus Greening

Cindy Zimmerman

Dogs specially trained by Agriculture Research Service (ARS) scientists have proven to be the most efficient way to detect huanglongbing, better known as citrus greening. Currently, the only solid hope of curtailing the spread of citrus greening is to eliminate trees with the disease as quickly as possible to prevent further spread. Early detection of the citrus greening pathogen is …

Citrus, Research, USDA

Research Looks at Farmers of the Future

Carrie Muehling

Research presented at the 2019 American Seed Trade Association CSS & Seed Expo answered questions about who the farmers of the future will be and what they will need from the agriculture industry. “The goal is to help the industry have some focus on what’s coming, think about their own plans, how they can disrupt themselves to become more competitive, …

Agribusiness, ASTA, Audio, Research

BASF Opens New Research Facility

Carrie Muehling

BASF opened its new global Agrochemical Application Research Center (AARC) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. The facility will help to further optimize stewardship guidelines regarding on-target application of BASF crop protection products used worldwide. Research conducted at the facility will also address application buffer zones for the company’s products as well as specific tank mix combinations. “The new Research …

AgWired Precision, BASF, Crop Protection, Research

Alltech Researcher Honored at #ONE19

Cindy Zimmerman

Dr. Richard Murphy, who has been the research director at the Alltech European Bioscience Center in Ireland for 17 of his 25 years with the company, is the recipient of this year’s Alltech Medal of Excellence. The award, which is Alltech’s highest distinction, was presented this week at ONE19, the annual Alltech Ideas Conference in Lexington, KY. Murphy was recognized …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Audio, Livestock, Research

Study Shows Economic Impact of Grain Exports

Carrie Muehling

A new study commissioned by the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) and the National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) points to the importance of export markets to U.S. farmers. The study highlights the total economic impact of U.S. grain exports to be $55 billion in 2016 and also shows grain exports supporting 271,000 jobs directly or indirectly, according to Kimberly Atkins, vice …

Audio, Exports, NCGA, Research, USGC

Inari Aims to Transform Agriculture

Cindy Zimmerman

A new plant breeding technology company called Inari Agriculture is being introduced today with the mission to transform agriculture and its impact on society and the environment by developing a more personalized plant breeding approach. Inari is a Flagship Pioneering company headquartered in Cambridge, Mass., which started in early 2016 and has since recruited more than 80 leading research scientists …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Research, Seed

Talking with Bayer Crop Science, Global Research Head

Chuck Zimmerman

Adrian Percy, Global Head of Research and Development, Crop Science, a division of Bayer, met with the U.S. press during this week’s Future of Farming Dialog in Germany. I asked him about the effect of Hurricane Irma on the citrus greening project that was recently announced since so much of the Florida crop was devastated this season. He says that …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Research