RFA Ethanol Podcast

Putting a Face on the American Soybean Farmer

Jamie Johansen

Missouri soybean grower, Todd Gibson, has worn many leadership hats throughout the soy community at the state and national levels. His farm is located just east of Kansas City in the heart of Midwestern crop country. He was just elected to the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) board and shared more about his commitment to the industry during the 2016 …

Ag Groups, Audio, Exports, Markets, Soybean, Trade, USSEC

A Glimpse into the World Economy Outlook

Jamie Johansen

The international audience at the U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange went home with a head full of key insights for soybeans and the “World Economic Outlook – Now through 2017” was a small part. Tim Quinlan, Director, Senior Economist, Wells Fargo Securities, Global Division, keynoted the closing plenary and provided an analysis on the macro U.S. and major foreign economies. …

Agribusiness, Audio, International, Markets, Soybean, USSEC

US Soy Well Represented at Global Trade Event

Jamie Johansen

The 4th annual U.S. Soy Global Trade Exchange & Midwest Specialty Grains Conference and Trade Show hosted by the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) and the Midwest Shippers Association (MSA), took place in Indianapolis, IN and is the premiere global soy and grain trade event. Over 700 attendees gathered with 300 of them representing 55 countries around the world, focused …

Ag Groups, Audio, Events, Exports, Food, Markets, Soybean, Trade, USSEC

Global Business Climate Remains Slow for Ag Machinery

Lizzy Schultz

Results from the latest Agrievolution Business Barometer survey are showing that, while the global downturn in the agricultural machinery industry seems to have stabilized, global recovery is not in sight for the next six months, and the sector may stay at current low levels. The survey found that the global business climate index is back to the low level of …

AEM, Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Farm Machinery, International, Markets, Research, Video

Another #ONEBigIdea – Cuba

Jamie Johansen

Cuba’s newly opened relationship with the United States gives us access to an emerging market and provides new perspectives on it’s lands. The opportunities for new agriculture, technology and food concepts is something we can’t ignore. Alltech calls it a one-of-a-kind opportunity. I sat down with Dr. Jorge Arias, Global Aqua Director, Alltech, during ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference to …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Aquaculture, Audio, Exports, International, Markets

Corn Prices Projected to Decrease

Kelly Marshall

While optimists hoped the increased demand for ethanol would help drive corn prices, the USDA reports say it won’t be enough to off-set other factors.  Demand estimates are lower by 24 million bushels of corn, and ending stocks are higher by 25 million bushels.  Production estimates remain unchanged from March. “U.S. corn farmers have indicated their intention to grow another …

Ag Groups, Corn, Marketing, Markets, NCGA, USDA

Corn Up, Soybeans Down in #USDA Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2016 Prospective Plantings report out today from USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) shows farmers expect to plant more corn and less soybeans this year. U.S. corn growers expect to plant 93.6 million acres to corn this year, the first increase in corn planted acreage since 2012 and, if realized, will be the third largest corn acreage since 1944. …

Audio, Corn, Cotton, Markets, Soybean, USDA, Wheat

Farm Futures Predicts More Corn, Less Soybeans

Kelly Marshall

Farm Futures is Penton Agriculture‘s market-leading ag business resource and they are seeing a lot of red on the ledgers right now.  In fact their latest survey suggests farmers may react to the agriculture market by cutting back almost 2 percent of the crop acreage this year.  Of the major row crops, only corn and cotton are seeing gains– but …

Agribusiness, Markets, Planting

#FarmCredit Looks at 2016 Challenges

Kelly Marshall

Directors from Farm Credit overwhelmingly believe the greatest challenge facing farmers this growing season are commodity prices. More than 64 percent of the directors — from the boards of 17 Farm Credit lenders in 15 states and of AgriBank, their St. Paul-based funding bank — said commodity prices are the greatest challenge facing ag producers this year. The directors, most of …

Agribusiness, Markets

AAEA Members Take Their Message to Capitol Hill

Jamie Johansen

Farm income, assets, and equity are all expected to decline nearly three percent in 2016, while farm debt is forecasted to rise about two percent. However, the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association(AAEA) reminds us these numbers may not tell the whole story. AAEA members Ani Katchova (The Ohio State University) and Allen Featherstone (Kansas State University), along with Jeffrey Hopkins …

Ag Groups, Markets