Syngenta is seeking registration from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for a new active ingredient, isocycloseram, to be trademarked as PLINAZOLIN® technology, that can be used in insecticide products for cotton, vegetables, field corn, tree fruit crops, cereals and more. Syngenta Technical Product Lead Kevin Langdon, Ph.D. talked about the new technology at Commodity Classic this week. “We’ll have four …
AMVAC and Verdesian Life Sciences Expand Relationship
AMVAC® and Verdesian® Life Sciences are expanding their relationship to include MicroSync® IronClad IDC micronutrient along with MicroSync® ZINC micronutrient among crop inputs available through the SIMPAS® system. MicroSync® ZINC supplied by Verdesian was made available for the 2021 planting season through SIMPAS-applied Solutions™ (SaS™), which are products prescriptively applied with patented SmartCartridge® container technology to address unique agronomic needs. …
Syngenta Offers Advice for CRW Pressure
Weakened roots due to corn rootworm (CRW) pressure helped to result in more downed corn in several Midwestern states this year from windstorms and the infamous derecho. Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska and South Dakota were among the states most affected this year, according to Syngenta. Other areas seeing heavier than normal CRW pressure this year included key rootworm geographies of northern …
FMC Announces New Arc™ Farm Intelligence Platform
FMC Corporation just announced the launch of Arc™ farm intelligence, an exclusive precision agriculture platform that enables growers and advisors to more accurately predict pest pressure before it becomes a problem. Arc™ farm intelligence is the first mobile platform to use predictive modeling based on real-time data to help ensure the right crop protection products are applied precisely where and …
Summit Agro USA Launches New Website, Products
Summit Agro USA today announced the launch of a new website designed from the ground up to be a solutions-centric tool with a robust database that catalogs multiple diseases, insects and weeds for over 600 crops. “We surveyed our customers and distribution partners about website resources. What we found was that these other sites tend to be product-focused in their …
New BASF Insecticide Performs on Vegetables
BASF offers a wide portfolio of fungicides for use in fruits and vegetables, but it was a new insecticide getting the attention of growers at the 2020 Southeast Regional Fruit and Vegetable Conference in Savannah, Ga. Sefina is the new product offering white fly and aphid control, according to Joe Mitchell, BASF technical service representative for Florida and South Texas. …
Managing Bollworms with Prevathon® Insect Control
Research conducted at Texas A&M University has shown wide-spread bollworm/earworm resistance to the majority cotton and corn Bt technologies and that cotton bollworms have developed resistance to pyrethroids to some degree in most of Texas. One of the insecticides recommended for growers to manage cotton bollworm populations is FMC Prevathon. At the recent Mid-South Farm and Gin Show, we talked …
AMVAC Offers Insect Control Strategies
Corn Rootworm pressure has been building across the Midwest since 2016, indicating the pests may be learning ways to survive the traits that are meant to drive them away. Jim Lappin, AMVAC Crop Marketing Manager for the Corn and Soybean Portfolio, spent a lot of time at Commodity Classic talking with growers about strategies to get better control and better …
FMC Working on Soybean Gall Midge Control
A new pest is popping up in soybean fields across the country – the orange gall midge. “It’s a very tiny fly that lays its eggs in the stem of a soybean plant,” said FMC Agricultural Solutions subject matter expert Bob Hooten during an interview at the annual NAFB Trade Talk last month in Kansas City. Bright orange maggots develop …
AMVAC Offers Smart Solutions for Growers
AMVAC has been growing its portfolio of products with a focus on giving growers more flexibility while still providing excellent crop safety. Products like Impact and ImpactZ herbicides have a wide window of application, from weed emergence up to 45 days before harvest. “The last two seasons have been such that you’ve not had wide open spraying or planting windows,” …