The #2021SPGC is Back and In-Person

Chuck Zimmerman

Peanut growers from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi are gathered together again live and in-person for their annual Southern Peanut Growers Conference at Panama City Beach, Florida. After having to cancel the popular event last year due to COVID, everyone is thrilled to be back on the beach. As has been the tradition, we start off the conference by interviewing …

Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, Peanuts

Daugherty Water for Food Podcast Episode 9

Cindy Zimmerman

This episode of the Daugherty Water for Food podcast features Babak Safa, a postdoctoral research associate with the Water for Food Global Institute who specializes in agricultural meteorology, micro-meteorology and vegetation-atmosphere interaction. Safa analyzes eddy covariance flux data from installed systems to support remote sensing based model verification and water productivity estimates for several agricultural and natural ecosystems and projects …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Farming, Food, Irrigation, Water, Water for Food

Report Shows How U.S. Farmers Can Fight Climate Change

Cindy Zimmerman

A new report commissioned by Farm Journal Foundation finds U.S. farmers have the potential to significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and become part of the global solution to climate change. U.S. agriculture contributes about 10% of the total greenhouse gas emissions of the entire national economy, but farmers could greatly reduce those emissions if they were provided with the …

Audio, carbon, climate, Environment, Farm Journal, Farming, USDA

Corn Farmers Launch Campaign to Open Minds

Chuck Zimmerman

In an effort to provide information about corn farmers and their accomplishments to constantly improve their farming practices, especially as it relates to the environment, a campaign was launched over the weekend. This Saturday, key public policy influencers in our nation’s capital met the corn farmers of America’s Heartland in their homes, at the airport, and even while listening to …

Ag Groups, Corn, Farming, NCGA, Sustainability

Happy Earth Day – Take a Virtual Farm Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

The Global Farmer Network has 5 new virtual farm tours that let you see practices GFN farmers are putting in place to protect and enhance the environment here on this Earth Day 2021. There are tours of farmers from the United States, New Zealand, India, Uruguay and the United Kingdom. Make plans to celebrate Earth Day on April 22, 2021 …

Ag Groups, climate, Conservation, Farming

Land O’Lakes Reports Strong Earnings Increase for 2020

Cindy Zimmerman

2020 was a pretty good year for Land O’Lakes, Inc., reporting a 29 percent earnings increase over 2019. The farmer-owned cooperative reports net sales of $13.9 billion and net earnings of $266 million for the year ending December 31, 2020, compared to net sales of $13.9 billion and net earnings of $207 million in 2019. Net Earnings improved $59.1 million …

Agribusiness, Cooperatives, Farming

TN Farm Bureau Expands Shooting Hunger Fundraiser

Cindy Zimmerman

A high-powered program developed to take aim at food insecurity in Tennessee is expanding its sites to the entire state. During what was one of the hardest years for the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the state of Tennessee saw a 26.6% increase in food insecurity with every 1 in 6 adults needing food support. Shooting Hunger, an annual …

Farming, Food, Hunting

Trust In Food Symposium Theme is Regenerative Reset

Cindy Zimmerman

The annual Trust In Food Symposium is being held this week with the theme Regenerative Reset and a focus on trends in carbon and climate, animal ag and innovation. Trust In Food, a Farm Journal initiative, has a record-setting audience of leaders from across the food value chain, the conservation community and public agencies registered for the event, which is …

Animal Agriculture, Environment, Farm Journal, Farming, Food

Webinar Explores Lessons Learned from 1980s Farm Crisis

Cindy Zimmerman

AEI Premium is holding a virtual event to explore lessons learned from its “Escaping 1980” podcast on March 3. Farmers, agribusiness leaders, farm policy wonks, and students are invited click here to register for the free webinar. The “Escaping 1980” podcast, launched in November, explores the causes, impacts, and lasting effects of one of the most infamous events in American …

Farming, Podcasts

Top Producer of the Year Award – Longview Farms

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2021 Top Producer Summit several awards were presented. A big congratulations goes to the Henry family and LongView Farms. They are the recipients of the 2021 Top Producer of the Year Award. Accepting the award were Scott and Eric Henry, sons of Steve and Laurie Henry who started the farm. The sons are now the primary managers of …

Audio, Farm Journal, Farming, Media