RFA Ethanol Podcast

Soybean Leader Hoping to Replace Bill Northey

Cindy Zimmerman

Now that Bill Northey is officially heading to his new job at USDA, Iowa soybean farmer Ray Gaesser can now officially get on with his campaign to be the next Iowa Secretary of Agriculture. Last week at Commodity Classic, the former American Soybean Association (ASA) president from Corning, Iowa received the organization’s Distinguished Leadership Award for his years of service …

ASA, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Soybean

Delaro Fungicide Shows Yield Advantage in Corn, Soybeans

Jamie Johansen

Bayer has released results from 500 DelaroTM field trials which took place in 20 states. Across two years of trials, Delaro averaged a 12 to 18 bushel-per-acre increase in corn and a four to five bushel-per-acre increase in soybeans compared to an untreated check. In these trials, Delaro had a 90 percent win rate over the untreated check. The recent …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Corn, Fungicide, Soybean, Video

Restoring Consumer Trust

Jamie Johansen

Rob Schrick, strategic business lead, broad acre crops, Bayer CropScience, took the stage at the 2018 AgVocacy Forum with Global Head R&D, Adrian Percy, to have a candid conversation about restoring consumer trust. We spoke with Rob following the on-stage Q&A to hear about his excitement for future digitalization and how Bayer’s Forward Farm is connecting with consumers globally. “Forward …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Video

Sustaining Ag’s Future at #AgVocate 2018

Jamie Johansen

The 2018 Bayer AgVocacy Forum in Anaheim, CA, held February 25-26, sets the stage for conversations centered around food and agriculture. Global Head of R&D, Crop Science division of Bayer, Adrian Percy, kicked things off by discussing ‘Sustaining Ag’s Future’ and acceptance of digitalization. “The innovation space in agriculture is really exciting. There is a lot of investment coming in …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Crop Science, Farming, Food, Video

Farm Economist On Future of Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

Prior to the start of Commodity Classic, Bayer is holding its AgVocacy Forum. This event has been held for over ten years now with the goal of stimulating thoughtful discussion about the food and agriculture industry. This year’s program has added some new features like Ag Tech Talks on drones and new soil nutrition technology. As you might guess, using …

Audio, Bayer

Bayer Focusing Future Research, Innovation on Soil

Carrie Muehling

The keynote speaker at this year’s Soil Health Summit told participants they need to get involved and understand how the global economy affects innovation and the regulatory environment regarding agriculture. Sustainability is a key factor globally, and many of those efforts are tied to the soil. “We have a lot of very emergent technologies, disruptive technologies we’re working on, and …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Soil, Soil Health Partnership

Bayer Award Honors Cotton Extension Specialist

Cindy Zimmerman

A former University of Missouri Extension cotton specialist was recognized last week during the Beltwide Cotton Conference as the 2018 Extension Cotton Specialist of the Year, an annual award sponsored by Bayer. Andrea Jones, the first woman to be named Extension Cotton Specialist of the Year, technically was a research associate at the University of Missouri for most of her …

Bayer, Cotton

New Bayer Cotton Varieties Focus on Yield

Cindy Zimmerman

Five new Bayer cotton varieties are available in limited quantities for 2018 planting to give growers more options. “Choosing the right variety for the right field to harvest the right yield is paramount to successfully managing a cotton crop,” says Jason Wistehuff, Bayer product manager for FiberMax® and Stoneville® cotton. “These new varieties combine with our existing variety lineup to …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Cotton, Seed