RFA Ethanol Podcast

ARC Scholarship Winners

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Relations Council announced the winners of their 2007 ARC of Excellence Scholarship Program today and two of the recipients were in attendance to receive them. First of all we have Melissa Leander, Kansas State, pictured here with ARC president Bob Giblin. They’ll receive $500 each from the organization. The next recipient is Katie Allen, University of Missouri. She …

Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, ARC

ARC Breakfast at AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello professional agricultural public relations people. If you’re going to be in Louisville for the Ag Media Summit (where all the cool people will be) then you need this on your calendar. Mark your calendars now! Agricultural Relations Council Breakfast at Ag Media Summit Tuesday, July 31, 7 – 8:30 a.m., Marriott Louisville Downtown Stay tuned for details.

Ag Media Summit, ARC

An Agricultural Relations Council Report From Bob Giblin

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s NAMA Convention week here on AgWired. I’ll be blogging from Dallas, TX starting on Tuesday. You can hear all about the activities the guys at Truffle Media Networks and I have prepared in this week’s program. For example, we’re going to be giving away an iPhone at our booth at the convention trade show. You’ve got to register at …

ARC, Audio, ZimmCast

Some Ag Comm Annual Meetings

Chuck Zimmerman

Agricultural Relations Council: A Consumer-Driven Marketplace A look at the influences consumers have on the food and fiber industries – March 29-31, 2007. North American Agricultural Journalists: The annual NAAJ meeting will be April 15-17 in Washington, D.C. The conference hotel will be the Holiday Inn-Capital. Rooms are $223/night. We have a small block reserved, so budget now. The number …

ARC, Media, Public Relations

Precison Farming By John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

If precision farming is the new revolution in agriculture then John Deere has it on display here so growers can get their hands on it. Chrystal Schuck works in the Ag Management Solutions area of John Deere. This is a division in John Deere that uses gps receivers and on-display mapping to reduce costs to growers and allow them to …

ARC, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Syngenta