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Scott Walker Addresses #DairyStrong

Lizzy Schultz

The second annual Dairy Strong conference, held earlier this month in Madison, Wisconsin, began its first full day with an opening address from Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. Though the Dairy Strong conference is internationally attended and focuses on global collaboration, there is no denying that Wisconsin is one of the dairy industry’s shining stars. Walker’s speech highlighted the value of …

Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, Education

Beef Leader Rodney Larson Passes Away

Joanna Schroeder

The father of our former sales representative Dave Larson, Rodney “Rod” Larson, 86 of Webster City, IA has passed away. I did not know him but he certainly had a marvelous farming career. Here is what Dave wrote to share with the AgWired community. In 1956, Rod began his own crop farming operation, Larson Farms. It grew to be a …

Animal Agriculture, Beef

Viewpoints from @USFRA Food Dialogues

Lizzy Schultz

On Tuesday night, the Mill City Museum in downtown Minneapolis was filled with conversation about agriculture at the fifth annual Food Dialogue, hosted by the US Farmers and Rachers Alliance(USFRA). The event featured seven very diverse panelists, highlighting the diverse ranges of expertise that exist within food production. Bill Gordon, fourth generation soybean farmer; Jen Haugen, a registered dietician formerly …

Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Farming, Food, Media, Nutrition, Social Media, USFRA

Alltech invests in #AgMedia

Lizzy Schultz

It seems that the minds behind Alltech are under the belief that the leaders of tomorrow are worth investing in today, as they celebrated their third consecutive sponsorship of the Livestock Publications Council (LPC) Forrest Bassford Student Award at the 2015 Ag Media Summit. The Forrest Bassford award honors excellence, professionalism and leadership among students. Each year, following a competitive …

Ag Media Summit, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Journalism, Media, University

Undercover Videos – A Proactive Approach

Jamie Johansen

Dr. Helen Wojcinski, DVM DVSc ACPV, Science & Sustainability Manager, Hybrid Turkeys, provided a case study on how they proactively managed an undercover video at the recent Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit. “We always want to make sure we have good animal welfare programs in place, commitment of senior managers and engagement of employees so they understand what it means. …

Ag Groups, Animal Activists, Animal Agriculture

Are You Ready To Be A REBEL?

Jamie Johansen

Who’s ready to be a REBEL? Tomorrow Chuck and I will head to Lexington, KY for Alltech’s REBELation. This once-in-a-lifetime conference is merging science, agriculture, entrepreneurship, business and marketing to inspire and re-engergize lives and businesses. Keynote speakers will include General Colin Powell, U.S. Army Retired, former United States Secretary of State; John Calipari, Head Coach of the University of …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Events, Marketing

College Aggies Online Engage to Advocate

Jamie Johansen

Zach Hollingsworth and Kaylynn Million are part of the Dairy Science Club at Oklahoma State University. Their club was honored at the recent Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit as the 1st place team in their College Aggies Online (CAO) competition. COA is an initiative of the Alliance that connects college students from across the country who are interested in promoting …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Social Media

Nationwide Efforts of Protect the Harvest

Jamie Johansen

Protect the Harvest is an advocacy group that started in Missouri five years ago to fight back against animal activists groups. During the Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit, policies impacting the future of animal agriculture was an important issue discussed. Brian Klippenstein, Executive Director, Protect the Harvest, spoke on how they are helping farmers and ranchers nationwide provide for a …

Ag Groups, Animal Activists, Animal Agriculture

Sustainability Education at Animal Ag Summit

Jamie Johansen

A panel of industry leaders shared their thoughts and research concerning sustainability during the recent Animal Ag Alliance Stakeholders Summit. Dr. Roger Cady, Sustainability Lead, Elanco Animal Health, said he liked to divide sustainability into the three pillars of environment, economic and social. “Farmers are the natural environmentalists of the land. Key to this is preserving our land, preserving our …

Ag Groups, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Elanco, Environment, Sustainability

Hot Issues Tackled at Animal Ag Stakeholders Summit

Jamie Johansen

The Animal Ag Alliance wrapped up the 2015 Stakeholders Summit yesterday in Kansas City, Mo and president of the organization, Kay Johnson Smith, said each year they strive to bring emerging issues to the forefront of discussion. “We know that agriculture is always on a journey to improve, to excel and find ways to do better. But we aren’t sure …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Animal Agriculture, Audio