2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monsanto Steps Up its Role in Ethanol Production

Laura McNamara

MonsantoMonsanto Company prides itself on being an industry leader when it comes to remaining on the cutting edge of agricultural technology. Now, Monsanto has announced it will be collaborating with Perten Instruments to ensure the company maintains its leadership in the emerging ethanol industry.

Monsanto Company (NYSE: MON) and Perten Instruments today announced a collaboration to develop advanced process analytical tools to help ethanol plants gain efficiency in their ethanol production process. The collaboration will focus on the development and application of technology to monitor the operating conditions and improve the efficiency of ethanol production. One area of focus will be to optimize ethanol yields based on incoming feedstock quality, such as Processor Preferred® High Fermentable Corn hybrids. The collaboration will also explore technologies to determine and improve the quality of ethanol co-products such as dry distillers grains (DDGS).

The collaboration will work to develop rapid analysis methods using Perten’s near infrared technology for process monitoring at over a dozen processing points in each ethanol production facility.

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Ethanol, Technology