2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

FFA Commercial Competition Announced By Garst Seed

Chuck Zimmerman

This announcement came in during the NAMA convention. Had to get past NAMA to post it:

Garst Seed Logo

Garst Seed Sponsoring Second Annual FFA Commercial Competition, Awarding Nearly $7,500

Entries Sought Nationally, Focusing on “Raising Leaders Through FFA — Cultivating
Agriculture’s Future”

SLATER, Iowa, April 20, 2005 — Whether you ask current high school students or today’s leaders in agriculture, agribusiness and related industries to name the one organization that helps youth develop confidence, leadership skills and career success, you’ll most likely hear FFA. That’s why Garst Seed Company has chosen “Raising Leaders Through FFA — Cultivating Agriculture’s Future” as the theme line for its annual commercial competition.

“I speak from experience when I say that FFA has had, and continues to have, a tremendous positive influence on students,” says Lori Thomas, communications manager for Garst Seed Company. “Everyone in the industry knows the organization’s classroom curriculum and its outside programs in areas such as public speaking and commodity marketing encourage students to excel and develop skills that are invaluable throughout their lives. At Garst, we believe it is fitting to recognize the opportunities FFA offers today’s youth and its accomplishments in preparing students to lead the agriculture, food and fiber industries.”

For more information contact Lori Thomas or Linda Leydens.
