RFA Ethanol Podcast

2013 NAMA Fall Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 412The 2013 NAMA Fall Conference is underway in St. Louis and attendance is great with about 200 registered! That’s the most since sometime way back when it was the Issues Forum and held in Washington, DC. How many of you remember that?

Sara SteeverThe Chair of the Fall Conference Committee is Sara Steever, Paulsen Marketing. We sat down at the end of the first day to talk about this year’s program and what is new at her agency. Our program has some unique breakout sessions and we’re still getting a healthy dose of leadership encouragement too. I hope you’ll take a few moments to listen in on my conversation with Sara and if you’re not here this year perhaps we’ll see you next fall.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: NAMA Fall Conference

I’ve got lots of photos to share with you from the conference as well: 2013 NAMA Fall Conference Photo Album

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsors, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong and Monsanto, Roundup Ready Plus, for their support.

Agencies, Audio, Marketing, NAMA, ZimmCast