Energy Bill Roundtable

Chuck Zimmerman

Energy RoundtableAt the Clean Cities Congress today we had an energy bill roundtable. The panel consisted of (l-r) Phil Lampert, NEVC, Scott Gerke, American Honda, Rich Kolodziej, NGVA, Joe Jobe, NBB and Brian Feehan, PERC.

The moderator was Andrew Littlefair, CEO of Clean Energy. To get started here’s a segment from the discussion in which each participant answers the question of what he thinks is most important piece of legislation and why.

Here’s their response: Listen To MP3 Energy Bill Roundtable (12 min MP3)

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol

A GEM of a Vehicle

Chuck Zimmerman

Ride & DriveOn my way out of the convention center yesterday here at the Clean Cities Congress, I stopped by the Ride & Drive and found myself in a Global Electric Motorcars vehicle.

Riding with me is the company’s CEO, Lawrence Oswald. He held the microphone while I drove and interviewed him so you’ll hear some road noise.

Larry tells us about his company and the vehicles they make. He makes a point that the electric vehicle is perfect for in-town driving for short distances where you can be on streets with relatively slow speed limits. With no engine emissions the vehicle is certainly not putting particulates into the air. These seem like they’d be great to have at farm shows too.

You can hear the interview here: Listen To MP3 Larry Oswald Interview (4 min MP3)

I also had to take a short video clip too, not something I recommend to the untrained: Watch wmv file Ride & Drive (WMV file)

Audio, Video

Perspective On Fuel Prices

Chuck Zimmerman

JJ BrownI was very impressed today by the presentation here at the Clean Cities Congress given by J.J. Brown, Legislative Aide for Utah Senator Orrin Hatch. We’re hearing a lot of whining and complaining in the media about gas prices and lately a lot is being said about oil company profits. After hearing Senator McCain yesterday mention ADM and his lack of support for what he calls ethanol subsidies I think it’s time to put things into perspective.

JJ did just that today in his speech. It’s the best description of things from a global and United States perspective I’ve heard.

Some points that he made include the following. He wanted to bust the myth that oil company profits and the salaries of their CEO’s is responsible for the high price of gas. He said that taxing oil company profits and giving that money to tax funded government programs like Medicare won’t help generate a single drop of oil.

In the short term he thinks alternative fuels will go a long way to help us feed our hunger for fuel. He said that his boss, the Senator, fully supports renewable fuel alternatives and providing assistance to companies and organizations who want to build facilities to develop the various alternatives.

I recommend you listen to his talk: Listen To MP3 JJ Brown Speech (30 min MP3)

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol

School’s Out For Today

Chuck Zimmerman

Alice Cooper's TownI’m sorry for the lack of posting so far today. This Clean Cities Congress is a busy place. In fact, it’s almost time to head to the closing reception. Alice Cooper’s Town should be interesting. It’s where rock & jocks meet.

I’ve got several things to post for you from the event here. In the midwest we’re so familiar with ethanol and biodiesel it’s been interesting to learn more about some of our other alt fuel choices like natural gas.

Stay with me.


All About Alternative Fuels

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast68 - Promoting Alternative FuelsThis week I’m in Phoenix, AZ at the Clean Cities Congress & Expo. Since what happens in the alternative fuel industry is very important to anyone in agribusiness today I thought you’d be interested to hear from one of the most outspoken supporters there is. He’s Will Kleindienst, Chairman of the Congress and former mayor of Palm Springs, CA.

Before getting to him you can hear what Senator John McCain thinks of government assistance for the ethanol industry. He was a keynote speaker at the conference this morning.

Full coverage of the Clean Cities Congress can be found on Domestic Fuel.

You can listen to this week’s program here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 68 (13 min MP3)

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes.

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, ZimmCast

No To Ethanol Subsidies

Chuck Zimmerman

Senator John McCainSenator McCain just finished speaking here at the Clean Cities Congress. I caught up to him backstage on the way out. During his speech will I’ll post in it’s entirety on Domestic Fuel he mentioned being against government subsidies for farmers in relation to ethanol.

Here’s my question and his response: Listen To MP3 McCain Sound Bite (MP3)

He also spoke very highly in favor of developing more nuclear energy: Listen To MP3 McCain Sound Bite (MP3)

Audio, Ethanol

Buckeye Ag Event Blogger

Chuck Zimmerman

Buckeye Ag Radio NetworkI’m wondering if someday our journalism schools will teach event blogging. Probably not until they hire professors who can do it themselves? I noticed that Andy Vance over at Buckeye Ag Radio Network is making the media transition it takes to do more than just one kind of reporting. He’s been blogging the Ohio FFA Convention.

I was talking to some organizational marcom people last night who seemed fascinated by what I’m doing here at the Clean Cities Congress. They actually wondered if I sleep or not and the answer is “sometimes.” But to cover an event using the full capabilities of a blog I think you’ve got to be a photographer, videographer, editor, broadcaster and web developer all rolled into one. This is why the traditional definitions of media just don’t cut it anymore.

As Andy is proving, a traditional farm broadcaster is now becoming an online editor. So Andy, it’s time to join AAEA in addition to NAFB. I wonder what the merger of those two organizations will be called? The National Association of Agricultural Editors of Various Types (NAAEVT)?


Learn About Clean Cities Coordinators

Chuck Zimmerman

Jim Snider & Colleen CrowninshieldAt the start of the Clean Cities Congress the state coordinators get together. The first evening is social and then they have a full morning of training before the conference officially kicks off.

The sponsor of the coordinator’s dinner is DaimlerChrysler, represented by Jim Snider. Pictured with him is Colleen Crowninshield, Clean Cities Program Manager, Tuscon, AZ. I spoke first with Colleen to find out more about what being a coordinator means. She is a full time coordinator and is here for some very specific reasons which she explains in our interview. You can listen here: Listen To MP3 Colleen Crowninshield Interview (2 min MP3)

After speaking with Colleen, I got Jim to take a few moments to talk about the committment his company is making to support the growth of alternative fuel technology. Jim also looks ahead a little and describes what he sees for the company and this industry. You can listen to my interview with Jim here: Listen To MP3 Jim Snider Interview (3 min MP3)

I’ll have lots more interviews and audio over the next several days. The Clean Cities Congress & Expo officially gets started later today.

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol

Getting Ready To Clean My Cities

Chuck Zimmerman

Clean Cities Congress Student BloggersThe next post will probably be from the road somewhere between here and Phoenix for the Clean Cities Congress & Expo. These two good looking bloggerati will be helping me starting with our first meeting tomorrow afternoon at the Phoenix Convention Center. They’ll be posting with me on Domestic Fuel and I’ll bring you some interviews and information that I think you’ll like right here too.

So until then. Stay AgWired!
