BBQ At It’s Best

Chuck Zimmerman

World Pork ExpoThe World Pork Expo is not too far away. It’s coming up June 8 – 10 at the Iowa State Fairgrounds in Des Moines. I’ve been meaning to let you know about it and the 19th Annual Great Pork Barbeqlossal. It looks like it will be a good one. I will however be at a different event taking place at the same time but I’m sure I’ll get information to bring you from the event. Here’s some more information on this year’s contest:

Great Pork Barbeqlossal“More than 100 teams are expected to compete in this year’s Great Pork BarbeQlossal contest which would make this one of the largest field of competitors in the history of the competition,” said Barb Determan, a pork producer from Early, Iowa. “There are several changes to the contest this year including a new meat sponsor, W&G Marketing, and over $39,000 in prizes and awards.”

You can see the complete schedule of activities here. As they say, “If it has to do with pork production, you’ll find it at the World Pork Expo.”

Ag Groups, Pork

Mobile Posting

Chuck Zimmerman

For the next several days I’ll be making a trip to South Florida to drive my daughter back home for a summer vacation from college. We’re going to take a couple days. I will have time to get agwired though never fear. In fact, I’m sure there will be some airport time later today.


Best Food Nation Needs New Media

Chuck Zimmerman

Best Food NationCan you say “Lost Opportunity?” I just saw a notice about Best Food Nation, a website created to provide the public with the facts about food and done with the support of 18 organizations which I’ll list later in the post. I guess someone’s not reading AgWired.

Although the website looks nice and is easy to navigate around, it’s static. Once you’ve looked around why would you want to go back? With all the money invested in this effort how about a blog? Why not have blog contributions from all those supporting groups? How about a podcast? Let’s produce a regular program that consumers can subscribe to featuring interviews with all the people quoted in all that static information you can find archived on the site? Let consumers comment on the information. There’s no feedback mechanism. How can the consumer feel involved? The website says “We have always invited public discussion . . .” but I don’t see how the public can “discuss.” I’m afraid that without a mechanism for this on the site the visiting consumer will not feel like their input is welcome.Read More

Ag Groups, Food

Can You Say Ethanol Champion?

Chuck Zimmerman

Mark ThomasBeing a farmer today has its challenges. Being a farmer and a funny car driver simply magnifies those challenges. Mark Thomas is up to the challenge though. He is also one of the biggest proponents of ethanol you’re going to find anywhere.

Mark is a champion too, having one 5 national IHRA titles. He was at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for Ethanol Day. I had to wait in line to interview him as the kids and adults too stopped by for an autograph.

In my interview Mark talks about what he does for a living and how important he thinks public education about ethanol is to our country. You can to my interview with Mark here: Listen To  MP3 Mark Thomas Interview (5 min MP3)

Audio, Ethanol, Indy Racing

African Event Blogging Gone Wild

Chuck Zimmerman

GTL TeamTalk about blogging an event. You ought to check out the Sasol Chevron GTL Challenge diary. They have photos, a daily summary and video. I would have allowed public commenting but this is extremely well done. A lot of companies are seeing the value in this kind of direct to consumer media campaign. You’re seeing a lot of it here on AgWired and our other websites too. In fact, my travel schedule is really filling up this summer! Chevron has a whole team on this deal. Having a photographer and videographer with me would be nice. Think about it.

The Sasol Chevron GTL Challenge will see a team of twelve men and women embarking on a symbolic journey from Sasolburg, South Africa to Qatar, to signal the inauguration of the Oryx GTL plant in Qatar on 6th June. Read More


Fastline Is Now Online

Chuck Zimmerman

FastlineAnother publication group moves into the digital age. Fastline Publications now has a digital version of their publications. I wonder how many farmers will want the digital version only? Think of the potential cost savings on printing!

Fastline Online is the new digital subscription being offered by Fastline. When farmers sign up for the digital edition, they will receive the publication up to a week earlier than the print version. Customers will be able to search each edition by keyword. Fastline has also added links to dealer websites in their digital editions. This service will enable customers to print out ads to take to their dealers, or also create their own Fastline archive. There is even a clickable index page, where when the advertiser is selected, the site will take them to that ad in that specific Fastline publication. When a customer subscribes to the digital version, the link to each
book for that month will be sent via e-mail, and the book will appear on their screen in a matter of seconds. There are no downloads or special software required. To sign up, go to Fastline is offering 6 months free of the home state digital edition.
Read More


Ethanol Gets Energized

Chuck Zimmerman

Secretary of EnergyWell I’m here at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on “Ethanol Day.” Amazingly the rain cleared up before the Secretary of Energy, Samuel Bodman arrived. It started to rain again after he left. He even took a couple laps in a 2-seater car with driver Davey Hamilton. As you can see the Sec. looks relaxed. This was before they did their laps.

I got to interview Secretary Bodman on his way to the track and it sounds like the industry has a champion in Washington, DC. He is very impressed with what Ethanol Carhe’s seen here today and says that his visit here means a great deal to him personally. As for his department, he says they’re seeking more and more ethanol to be used all through our country. The Secretary is from Illinois and this is his first visit to the track. He also made the point that ethanol helps make sure that the money spent by consumers on gas, stays here in the country. The Secretary is pictured trackside (r) with Tom Branhan, CEO of Glacial Lakes Energy and President of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council.

You can listen to my interview with Secretary of Energy, Bodman here: Listen To MP3 Secretary Bodman Interview (3 min MP3)

Audio, Ethanol, Indy Racing

Ethanol Day In Indy

Chuck Zimmerman

EPICI’m getting ready to leave one alternative fuel event for another one. The Clean Cities Congress is over but tomorrow’s “Ethanol Day” in Indianapolis. I’ll be attending all the events and collecting audio and pictures to share with you. The Ethanol Promotion and Information Council folks are working hard on getting the event organized. I look forward to seeing them there. There were several people here in Phoenix that said they’ll be there. Should be interesting.

Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman is scheduled to attend “Ethanol Day” at the Speedway to gain a “close-up” view of the racing machines running on an ethanol-blended fuel. Secretary Bodman will be a special guest of the Rahal Letterman Racing Team Ethanol operation, the Indy Racing League and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on May 11.

Among the activities involving Secretary Bodman on May 11 include his serving as an honorary pit crew member on the Team Ethanol car driven by Jeff Simmons, receiving a two-seater IndyCar ride from the Indy Racing Experience, holding a press conference at the trackside media room to discuss ethanol in racing and the future of renewable fuels in this country, participating in a tour of the Team Ethanol garage area (led by team owner Bobby Rahal) as well as the Speedway Museum and a meeting with the EPIC (Ethanol Promotion and Information Council) executives.


Alternative Fuels Rocker

Chuck Zimmerman

Bill BallI mentioned that we were doing a closing reception at Alice Cooper’s Town. Well he might not have showed up but we still had some good old rock and roll thanks to Bill Ball.

Bill started a band called Still Cruisin. I wonder if they travel. If you’re looking for a good one then give him a call.

By night Bill’s a rock and roller. By day he’s the Transportation Director for the Tucson Unified School District. An interesting combination Bill. And one we enjoyed at the reception.

On a break I interviewed Bill to find out what he does and what he gets out of the Clean Cities Congress. You can listen to my interview with Bill here: Listen To MP3 Bill Ball Interview (2 min MP3)
