Developing Kentucky Sheep/Goats

Chuck Zimmerman

Kentucky Sheep & Wool ProducersThe sheep and goat groups of Kentucky are working together on a project just approved by the Kentucky Ag Development Board.

The Kentucky Agricultural Development Board approved Kentucky Sheep and Wool Producers (KSWP) for $184,000 in state funds to establish the Kentucky Sheep and Goat Development Office. This was one of 27 projects approved. According to Roger Thacker, sheep producer and member of the project’s working group, “This two-year grant will allow the sheep and goat industries of this state to work together on projects that are mutually advantageous. We are excited to begin this joint effort which will provide more political visibility for each organization.”
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Ag Groups

Chuck Zimmerman

Live Auction TVSometimes it pays to go through your junk mail box to make sure that it’s only got junk in it. I did just now and found an announcement from

I can’t say that I’ve heard of them. It looks like you can choose between live auctions and auction markets around the country.

Here’s the instructions that were in the email announcement:

How To Bid
Step 1) Register for a free account (one-time registration).
Step 2) Log-in to your desired auctions and “Request a Buyer Number” for each auction you desire to bid on.

Special Note:
Due to the increasing numbers of online bidders and “Buyer # Requests” please register and sign-up early to guarantee that your online seat is saved and your buyer number has been processed. makes no guarantees that a user will be assigned a buyer number the day of the sale.

I didn’t create an account to see how it works. If you have, let me know what you think.


You Haven’t Taken Our Survey Yet, Have You?

Chuck Zimmerman

I know, I’m being a pain. But we want our survey (1st annual?) to be as meaningful as possible. We’ve had quite a few done so far (Thank you) but I’d really like more of you to chime in. I just did one last night for somebody that was agonizing in more ways than one. It had pages full of questions, all kinds of questions. Our is short, simple and you really don’t have to think hard to answer the questions.

AgWired Survey

So come on, take maybe 3 minutes and get your survey done today. Please?


Reaching Foodies Today

Chuck Zimmerman

I know there are a lot of you who work for or support groups who want to reach consumers about various kinds of food. You might be interested in a recent story on that contains some study information like in this graphic. Study

They pulled together information from a couple of sources like the following:

According to comScore Media Metrix, 39 million Americans visited food Web sites in July 2006, up 23% from a year earlier. claims the top spot among all food Web sites in the US, capitalizing on its TV popularity and developing deeper relationships with its viewers.

Food, Internet

Zune Availability Announced

Chuck Zimmerman

White ZuneNow we know when the Microsoft digital media player will be on the market. This 30GB bad boy will be in stores by November 14 with a retail price of $249. It has some nice features and will play more types of files than an iPod.

Just letting you know what to get your favorite farmer for Christmas. You know he/she will want to be listening to the latest farm podcasts.

Learn more from this story.

I’ve got to believe that between Apple and Microsoft marketing their products heavily, we’ll soon be reading statistics that say something like the average home in America has 2.556 digital media players.


Environmental Journalists Vermont Bound

Chuck Zimmerman

Society of Environmental JournalistsI think it would be interesting to attend the Society of Environmental Journalists convention for several reasons. (Want to sponsor me? I’ll put your sponsor tag in every blog post!)

I’d like to know more about what makes an environmental journalist. I think we write about a lot of things that have to do with the environment. Does that make us environmental journalists? It’s in Vermont. I’ve never been but have always wanted to visit that part of the country. They have sessions like “Talk Back To Your Car” on new automobile fuel technologies or a tour called, “From Cow Power to Urban Farms: Sustainable Agriculture in the 21st Century.”

What do you think?


FFA Students Visit Garst

Chuck Zimmerman

FFA Leaders Visit GarstGarst Seed Company was a stop on the FFA Partnership Tour recently. This is where FFA students visit with executives of companies around the country. Pictured are (l to r): Garst Communications Manager Lori Thomas, Iowa FFA President Matt Dolch, National FFA Secretary Jessie Geib, National FFA Eastern Region Vice President Ryan Peterson and Garst Head of Marketing Steve Klein.

The students met with Garst officials at the Slater, Iowa, headquarters to gain an overview of Garst and the seed industry. “We were pleased to share the outlook and current challenges facing the industry and how Garst is meeting those challenges,” said David Witherspoon, head of Garst. “It is always a meaningful experience to offer advice and mentor young people who are in the process of planning their careers in agriculture.”

Garst’s Head of Marketing Steve Klein and Communications Manager Lori Thomas spoke about how the company analyzes and forecasts where the seed market is headed each year so it can be prepared with the right products. Klein mentioned Garst’s recent renewed commitment to the biofuels industry by offering seed products that are engineered specifically for ethanol and biodiesel production.


Skype Me Some Berries Please

Chuck Zimmerman

Skype User Jerald DownsYou know I’m a growing fan of Skype which allows you to make phone calls on your computer. The company has some stories that customers have shared about their use of Skype. A motivated Skype user and AgWired fan pointed me to one called, “From little things, big things grow.” It’s about Jerald Downs who runs his own produce export company, Premier Pac, in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Here’s what Skype does for him in his words.

In the past all my business was done by email. Now I use Skype a lot to keep in touch with my growers – it increases the lucidity and trust between us and it’s clearer than any landline. I also travel to South America 3 times a year to check the crops to establish what I need and want to export that year. When I visit my growers in Chile, Skype is perfect as there are many hot spots there, and landlines can be difficult to find. It’s cheap and easy for me to call my distributors back in the USA.

I think it’s fascinating that there are more hot spots (hi speed internet access) than available landlines (dialup) in a country like Chile. I didn’t know that. The story also includes a nice little video with Jerald. It’s worth a minute to watch.


Safety Graphics From AEM

Chuck Zimmerman

AEM Safety GraphicWarning. This could get graphic.

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers has a database of “pictorial illustrations” that can be used in a variety of safety projects like signs and manuals.

AEM developed this database to promote greater consistency and clarity among pictorial images so they are more recognizable by industry workers, thus enhancing safety. The pictorials are offered free of charge to anyone, saving manufacturers and others the time and cost of developing their own graphics. The database can be easily accessed via the association’s website ( and is searchable by categories and keywords. It currently includes almost 100 pictorials that are common to many industry segments and product lines, and covers both hazard identification and hazard avoidance.
