Pivot Bio Releases 2023 Impact Report

Cindy Zimmerman

Since 2022, Pivot Bio customers have reduced carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions by over 932,000 metric tons (MT), according to the company’s 2023 impact report. The report looks back on 2023 and provides in-depth evidence demonstrating the critical role microbial nitrogen plays in permanent on-farm decarbonization.

Last year alone, growers who used Pivot Bio products avoided the emission of more than 700,000 MT of CO2e — nearly 20x the annual capacity of the world’s most advanced direct air capture facility in Iceland.

“Nitrogen is an essential building block for life and agriculture, necessary to produce the food needed to meet global demand. But the status quo in nitrogen management is not enough,” said Karsten Temme, Pivot Bio co-founder and chief innovation officer. “The data is clear — when our microbial-produced nitrogen is a foundational pillar of a holistic crop nutrition plan, growers can substantially reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make a positive on-farm impact that extends across global supply chains.”

The 2023 Impact Report also highlights the company’s N-OVATOR™ program, the first-ever insetting initiative to focus on nitrous oxide emissions by connecting growers with companies looking to draw down Scope 3 emissions.

To learn more, read the company’s latest Impact Report.

AgWired Precision, carbon, Precision Agriculture, Sustainability