
Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast86 - Truffle Media NetworksI want to welcome Truffle Media Networks to the new media world of agribusiness. The company just announced itself and to learn more about them I interviewed one of the founders, Ned Arthur.

I’m sure we’re going to see lots of creative work done by this company. They have started out with a couple of regular podcasts, Swinecast and Poultrycast. Both are currently sponsored by Elanco Animal Health.

I guess you’d have to say that farm podcasting is coming along. Ned discusses how his company is helping clients and sponsors reach very targeted audiences using tools like podcasting. As a fellow farm podcaster I’m happy to welcome TMN to the fold and we’ve already discussed several ways our two companies can assist each other and our clients.

Listen to this week’s program: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 86 (27 min MP3)

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes.

Audio, Media, Podcasts, ZimmCast

The Agrisure Online Media Kit

Chuck Zimmerman

Agrisure Online Media KitSyngenta has created an online media kit for reporters who want information about Agrisure corn traits. Great idea. Well done and I sure wish more companies would do this. If you just don’t have the resources to create one or don’t know where to start, then consider giving little old ZimmComm a call.

Now, having said that an online media kit is a wonderful thing let me add a challenge to companies like Syngenta. Don’t stop there. If you’ve had audio, video, and documents created put them to further use with the new media tools that let you package it for your CUSTOMER. Don’t forget them. Target them directly and you’ll be getting more bang for your buck. In this fractionalized new media world you can’t depend on the old channels exclusively (doesn’t mean you don’t need them). You need to think creatively and invest in some alternative ways to reach your farmer customer today.

Agribusiness, Media

Ice Cream for a Dairy Blog

Chuck Zimmerman

Mayfield Dairy BlogScottie Mayfield at Mayfield Dairy Farms would love to hear from his customers so what did the company do? Start a blog.

You can visit The Dairy Blog to learn “about Mayfield Dairy Farms, the dairy industry and our extended Mayfield family.” And Scottie adds, “We welcome you to join our discussions.”

That’s blogging in the corporate world. I congratulate them and hope it’s a success.


Lamb Board Grants

Chuck Zimmerman

American Lamb Board LogoIt’s time to get your matching grant app in to the American Lamb Board.

The American Lamb Board (ALB) has approved $40,000 for their Matching Grant Program in FY 2007. ALB has made minor changes to the Matching Grant Program including extending the time between the grant announcement date and application deadline to a 60-day time frame and changing the grant program from a single cycle to 2 cycles per year. The first Matching Grant cycle will be solicited on October 1, 2006 and the second round will be solicited on March 1, 2007. The new application is available at or by calling Rae at (866) 327-5262. A total of $20,000 is budgeted for the first round of FY 2007 grant funding. An additional $20,000 will be available for the second cycle of grants.

The grants require a 1-to-1 cash match from the grant recipient. In-kind contributions are not considered for the matching requirement. Industry organizations are invited to submit proposals that expand or strengthen the market for American Lamb. Creative marketing projects which include a collaborative effort amongst industry organizations and industry sectors are encouraged.

Ag Groups

HAT Radio

Chuck Zimmerman

Hoosier Ag TodayIt looks like Hoosier Ag Today is really on the air now.

A new concept in farm radio became reality on September 18, as Hoosier Ag Today began broadcasting on 20 radio stations across Indiana, 7 of which are 50,000 watt regional stations. Developed by Truitt Communications, Hoosier Ag Today (HAT) is a series of radio programs focused exclusively on covering Indiana’s agricultural industry. Hosted by veteran farm broadcaster Gary Truitt, Hoosier Ag Today offers listeners several unique features which are not being offered by other broadcast entities. Nothing impacts farmers and rural residents more than the weather. Hoosier Ag Today is the only program to have an in-state meteorologist producing a daily, customized, agricultural weather advisory. Rob Wasson is a native Hoosier and has been forecasting Indiana weather for 11 years. Hoosier Ag Today is delivered to stations in digital stereo using a web-based system which insurers quality and reliability. A mix of long and short form programs allow stations the flexibility to include Hoosier Ag Today programs into their schedule several times daily.


Things Are Working Better Now

Chuck Zimmerman

Yellow FlowerSince it seems like a lot of my technical problems today are related to Internet Explorer I’ve switched over to Firefox. I like it a lot better anyway. It’s been one of those days that makes you say TGIF.

On a positive note I got my new cameral lens in today and immediately went into the back yard to test it. I do like flowers and whatever these are they grow like crazy. In case I don’t get to talk to you again today, have a very lovely weekend.


Server Problems and Viruses

Chuck Zimmerman

I’m a little behind in my posting today due to multiple computer problems. My web hosting company is working on their issues and 2 of my computers got infected somehow eventhough I’ve got all the latest stuff to block it, including a hardware firewall. It just proves that anyone can get attacked.

So, be patient. I’m sure we’ll be back to normal soon. This is why we have backups to our backups.


D&Pl Announce Exansion Facility

Chuck Zimmerman

The Delta and Pine Land Company keeps right on expanding.

Delta and Pine Land Company announced the acquisition of more than 500,000 square feet of warehouse space in Indianola, Mississippi, formerly owned by Modern Tool and Die Products (MTD). This is an extension of the company’s commitment to the Delta, which already includes facilities in Washington and Bolivar counties. The Indianola warehouse will be utilized immediately. The company expects to spend up to an additional $2 million to make necessary upgrades and modifications to the location.

“In the last several years, D&PL has been looking at the best means of managing our supply chain and the Mississippi Delta is a central hub for us,” according to Charles Michell, D&PL’s vice president – U.S. operations (pictured). “The Indianola warehouse will become our primary warehousing and distribution center for the Mid-South.”

Public Relations Tip: It helps get your story considered for posting on AgWired if you send me pictures like Janice at D&PL does!
