Ag Steward of the Chortí Maya

Laura McNamara

There is a group of indigenous people in Honduras that live off an average of $300 a year… less than one dollar a day. At least two months out of every year they starve. That’s the reality as Billy Collins sees it. Billy has been working with the Chortí Maya, the direct descendants of the Mayan Indians, for five years. …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Corn, Education, Environment, Farming, Food, Forestry, International, Precision Agriculture, Technology

Analyzing AMS

Chuck Zimmerman

I don’t know about all of you who attended last week’s Ag Media Summit but I’m still recovering. I’ve got one little project left to complete and then I’m almost caught up. Of course Cindy’s on the road today to Purdy, MO for a Kip Cullers field day and I’ll be heading north tomorrow for a Monsanto Technology Showcase event …

Ag Media Summit, Audio