Women in Swine Research and Production

Cindy Zimmerman

No one would argue (especially not the men!) that women are the backbone of the agriculture industry and during a seminar at World Pork Expo sponsored by Novus International titled “Women in Agriculture” we heard from two world-class women making a difference in the swine industry.

Laura GreinerDr. Laura Greiner, who does research for Innovative Swine Solutions and Carthage Veterinary Service in Illinois, talked about some of the work they have been doing to help improve sow performance through nutrition. She noted that she has almost all female interns this summer and she is pleased to see more women going into the field of livestock research. “That seems to be the predominant trend in the universities that I visit,” Laura said. “Women are becoming more interested and they need positive role models.”

Listen to or download my interview with Laura here. Dr. Laura Greiner

Laura GreinerOn the production side, we heard from Kathy Chinn with Chinn Hog Farm in northeast Missouri. Kathy is a former Missouri state representative who is very active in the agriculture and pork industry on both the state and national level and a real positive voice and face for agriculture. It was very interesting to hear her talk about their family operation, which includes her two sons and her grandchildren, and how they faced the challenges of farming in their community and grown better because of it. She is a strong advocate of telling agriculture’s story and being involved on a community level – and she is really a neat, impressive and interesting lady.

Listen or download Kathy’s interview here. Kathy Chinn

World Pork Expo 09 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of World Pork Expo made possible by Novus International and Boehringer Ingelheim
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Agribusiness, Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Pork, Swine, World Pork Expo

The Agricultural Business Council Celebrates Agricultural Legacy

Amanda Nolz

A big congratulations goes to the four Heartland leaders for their recent honors given by The Agriculture Business Council in Kansas City.

award20recipients20-20sm A packed house gathered within the historic walls of the Kansas City Club, May 22, 2009, to celebrate four of the region’s most inspiring business leaders being honored by The Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City. The 2009 Award for Agricultural Leadership and Excellence, named in honor of the late Jay B. Dillingham, was awarded to R. Crosby Kemper, Jr., UMB Financial Corporation; Joerg Ohle, Bayer Animal Health and Morton Sosland, Sosland Publishing for outstanding contributions to agricultural and food related businesses. The Outstanding Volunteer of the Year went to Gina Bowman, CVR Energy.

These individuals are legacy builders. Their spirit, innovation and vision have had a positive and lasting effect on our community and the way the public perceives modern day agri-business. Agriculture is no longer just farming, ranching and processing – it also includes bio science and security, animal pharmaceuticals, energy and commerce. Their personal success and excitement for their own business enterprises has spilled over to create new business opportunities for so many others. That’s worth celebrating,” says Bob Petersen, chairman of the Agricultural Business Council of Kansas City.

To read more about the winners’ many great achievements on behalf of the agriculture industry, link to the press release at AgriBusinessCouncil.


Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

    Zimfo Bytes

  • BASF filed a lawsuit against DuPont for infringement of BASF’s patented technology that confers tolerance to a key class of herbicides. Specifically, DuPont’s Optimum GAT corn product incorporates BASF’s patented promoter which is an important genetic component that enables successful tolerance toward an herbicide class known as AHAS or ALS inhibitors.
  • Bunge North America announced that it has created a joint venture with ITOCHU and STX Pan Ocean to build and operate a state-of-the-art export grain terminal at the Port of Longview, Wash., called EGT Development, LLC.
  • Cygnus Business Media announced it has signed an agreement with IRON Solutions, Inc. to jointly offer co-marketed programs targeted to the construction and outdoor power equipment markets.
  • Kim Nicholson and Sanjay Patel have formed NFocus Partners, LLC, a management consulting firm that provides custom marketing solutions to domestic and international business clients.
Zimfo Bytes

You’ll Flip For a Mino HD

Chuck Zimmerman

Now that we have daughter Carly working for us I gifted my Flip Ultra to her which of course allowed me an opportunity to try out the new Flip Mino HD. This little gadget is smaller and records in an HD format. I got mine on Amazon. To try it out I visited the Coffee Zone so you could meet the master barista, Taisir Yannis.

So what do you think? This unit is so small and easy to use that I would add it to the list of items any multimedia agricultural journalist should have in their MoJo. They make a great tool to collect testimonials for posting to your corporate website too.

Equipment, Video

Beautiful Weather for WPX

Cindy Zimmerman

BI BalloonAnother simply gorgeous day for the World Pork Expo. Today is the last day for the event – a change from previous years. The expo used to start on Thursday and end Saturday afternoon, shortly before judging of the Great Pork BarbeQlossal. The days for that event, which is sponsored by the National Pork Board, remain the same. Cooking starts later today with judging tomorrow.

There is rain in the forecast later today, but it could not have been more perfect this week with sunshine and temperatures in the 70s.

World Pork Expo 09 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of World Pork Expo made possible by Novus International and Boehringer Ingelheim
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Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Pork, World Pork Expo

Blogs and Podcasts are Relevant

Chuck Zimmerman

Most of you probably don’t remember when radio got started or probably even when we moved from black and white to color tv. But if you were around then, it was a big deal. It was “all the buzz.” Technological advances in entertainment and communications are always interesting and can have profound impacts on how we receive information. Can you imagine today what it would be like if you had to wait until a traveler passed by before you found out what was happening out in the world? Now, we want and demand information instantly.

Recently I’ve had a couple of people ask me if “blogs and podcasts are still relevant.” I was kind of taken back at first since there are so many surveys and studies showing how these new communication platforms are growing. Then I realized that what we’ve been calling “new media” is really no longer new. Blogs and podcasts are now part of our normal everyday lives. They’re not a new thing. Here at ZimmComm they’ve been a key component of our business for over 4 years. I guess you might even say they’ve become mainstream.

So, when it comes to the question of “Do we have a blog? Should we start a podcast?” the answer is Of Course You Should! What better way is there than to communicate directly with your customers or members? I know Twitter is a current buzz platform but it is really just the marriage of texting and blogging and with the addition of links to audio or video, it also incorporates podcasting. So, just because you’re not seeing a lot of stories about the new technology called blogs or podcasts you shouldn’t assume that they’re not relevant to your communications efforts. How often do you read headlines about radio or tv? Maybe from the standpoint that we have a new HD gadget to watch or listen but not that there’s really anything “new” about them.

Coincidentally, there’s a great new article out from eMarketer today titled, “Making Blogs Your Business.” I’ll say, Amen to that. It’s an interview with Elisa Camahort Page, COO, BlogHer. She is asked about the potential to monetize a blog and says that there are two main ways to make money from your blog. First is with advertising and I think it is a valid method but the other one can be even more fruitful.

However, the other opportunity is to make money because of your blog, and there are way more people doing this. Their blog is their platform—it gets them attention. And from there they get freelance writing work and editorial opportunities. They get consulting gigs. They get speaking gigs and honoraria. They create a portfolio career.

Now how cool is that? You get to write about your passion and make money doing it while working for yourself. But this concept also applies to anyone who is working in marketing and communications. Your company or organizational blog is your platform to communicate and get attention from your customers or members. Are you still not getting this? If not, what is your concern? Why aren’t you?


Kids and Hogs

Cindy Zimmerman

Hog ShowParticipation in the Junior National Swine Show at World Pork Expo was up significantly this year. Apparently the kids don’t care that the hog industry is going through tough times right now!

Officials said there were over 2000 entries in the show this year, up from 1800 last year, and it is so funny to see some of these really young kids guiding their animals around the ring. This little guy got sixth place in a field of about 20 or so. He was a treat to watch. You can see more photos in the Flickr album.

World Pork Expo 09 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of World Pork Expo made possible by Novus International and Boehringer Ingelheim
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Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Swine, World Pork Expo

Novus Puttin’ on the Pig

Cindy Zimmerman

Novus PigThe highlight of day two at World Pork Expo is the carving of the roasted hogs and there were four this year. We already saw Elvis Pigsly in the last post – here is the Novus International feast.

The hogs are roasted for almost 24 hours before they are carved up and offered for passers-by to enjoy, with a nice variety of sauces. Everyone at the expo looks forward to roasted hogs coming out at the end of a long day. Not many vegans here at WPX!

Doing the carving honors are Randy Anderson and Felipe Navarro of Novus. I interviewed both of them earlier in the day about what Novus has to offer for pork producers around the world.

Randy is National Sales Manager for Novus’ pork business in North America. He says they have expanded their product line in the past several years. “What we really focus on is gut health of the animal, how can we help get more out of the nutrition we are feeding them and bring more efficiency,” he says. Among the products they offer are Activate, which are part of their organic acid line, and Mintrex, a cost effective source of organic trace minerals.

Listen to or download my interview with Randy here: Randy Anderson

Felipe talked about supporting pork marketing on a global scale. “We have been improving the way we position our programs based on ROI, trying to bring better value to producers, reducing the cost of production so they get better efficiency,” Felipe said. Novus services producers in more than 80 countries and have offices in six of them.

Listen to or download my interview with Felipe here: Felipe Navarro

World Pork Expo 09 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of World Pork Expo made possible by Novus International and Boehringer Ingelheim
Novus boehringer-ingelheim

Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Swine, Video, World Pork Expo

Expanding the Reach of Email Through Social Networks

Amanda Nolz

exact_target_big Everyday, people utilize countless accounts: email, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. to communicate with others, and the list of these social networking sites is constantly growing. However, there is much more to social networking than simply having an account. How can we have meaningful connections online? How can we better reach our target audience? Here is a paper by Exact Target that addresses these questions and concerns in an enjoyable read. Here is an excerpt…

In 2008, 13% of marketers leveraged social networks in their email marketing strategy. This number is set to explode in 2009 with 46% of marketers planning to use social sharing capabilities in the coming year—representing nearly a fourfold increase (ExactTarget 2009 Email Marketing List Growth Study).

Expanding the Reach of Email Through Social Media contains insights ExactTarget gathered from more than 350 marketers in our 2009 Email Marketing List Growth Study. This whitepaper is a must-read for anyone interested in using social sharing capabilities to extend the reach of your message, drive deeper engagement with customers and their online communities, and build your subscriber list.

Advertising, Social Networking

Sweet Treats and Hot Eats at WPX

Cindy Zimmerman

Elvis PigslyThe food is fine and the weather couldn’t be better at World Pork Expo this year.

As might be expected, there is lots and lots of pork available. The roasted whole hogs are coming out now, including Elvis Pigsly pictured here, and one right here in front of the Novus tent. There are four whole hogs coming out on the main drag of the expo where the grandstand is located and the bands are playing this beautiful sunny afternoon in Des Moines.

BI pig cookiesEven the food that isn’t pork here at the expo still has a piggish theme – like these cool cookies at the Boehringer Ingelheim tent. Gotta love it!

We have lots more pictures loaded in the photo album from Thursday at WPX and I have several interviews to edit, plus a view bonus videos of pig races and more. We are going to get it done soon, but the weather is just too sweet to not enjoy right now!

World Pork Expo 09 Photo Album

AgWired coverage of World Pork Expo made possible by Novus International and Boehringer Ingelheim
Novus boehringer-ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim, Novus International, Pork, World Pork Expo