Three biotechnology scientists are being honored at the World Food Prize ceremony in Des Moines tonight, but yesterday they met the press and answered some tough questions about the technology they have dedicated their lives to developing. The 2013 World Food Prize Laureates are Monsanto Chief Technology Officer Dr. Robert Fraley, Marc Van Montagu of the Institute of Plant Biotechnology …
What is the TATT Global Farmer Roundtable?
Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) is a non-profit advocacy group led by farmers who support freer trade and a farmers freedom to choose the tools, technologies and strategies they need to maximize productivity and profitability in a sustainable manner. Since 2006, TATT has brought farmers from different countries together during World Food Prize week in Des Moines to attend …
GAP Report Unveiled at World Food Prize
The Global Harvest Initiative (GHI) released its 4th annual Global Agricultural Productivity Report® (GAP Report®) at the World Food Prize Symposium Wednesday before a record crowd of global scientists, agricultural industry experts, farmers, and development professionals. “This particular report focuses on value chains and what that means for farmers and consumers,” said Dr. Margaret Zeigler, GHI executive director. “We wanted …
Howard Buffett Foundation Initiatives Announced
Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair and philanthropist/farmer Howard G. Buffett were the stars at the World Food Prize Borlaug Dialogues today in Des Moines, launching new initiatives to address conservation, hunger and poverty issues in Africa. For one, the Howard G. Buffett Foundation has formed a partnership with John Deere and DuPont Pioneer to promote conservation agriculture adoption and …
TATT Global Farmer Roundtable Wraps Up
The Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) Global Farmer Roundtable has come to an end, but there’s still plenty for these farmers from 14 countries to learn, see and do while they are in Des Moines, Iowa at the 2013 World Food Prize. Sixteen farmers from 14 different countries have spent the last several days together learning about not only …
Kleckner Award Presented to Indian Farmer
A highlight of the Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) Global Farmer Roundtable on Tuesday was the presentation of the first Kleckner Trade and Technology Advancement Award Fellow to V. Ravichandran, better known to friends as Ravi. He is pictured here with TATT CEO Mary Boote and chairman Bill Horan. Ravi grows rice, sugarcane, cotton and pulses on about 60 …
TATT Global Farmer Roundtable visits Couser Cattle
During the Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) Global Farmer Roundtable we went to the Couser Cattle Company. Bill and Nancy Couser with son Tim produce corn and cattle just outside of Nevada, IA. When Tim graduated from Iowa State University, mom and dad strongly suggested that he spend some time in the corporate world before returning to the …
Elanco’s Jeff Simmons has had Enough
The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) and DuPont today presented the 2013 Borlaug CAST Communication Award to Jeff Simmons, president of Elanco, on the occasion of the 2013 Borlaug Dialogue hosted by the World Food Prize Foundation in Des Moines. In accepting the award, Simmons issued a challenge to solve the greatest issue of our time – food …
Marigolds Provide Lutein, Who Knew?
Kemin Industries Worlwide, that’s who knew. During the Truth About Trade and Technology (TATT) Global Farmer Roundtable, we learned that Kemin is the largest grower of marigolds (yes, that not so fragrant flower you often plant in your flower beds) to extract the Lutein, a naturally occurring carotenoid – which happens to help prevent eye diseases such as macular degeneration. …
World Food Prize Winner Visits TATT Roundtable
One of the 2013 World Food Prize Laureates stopped by to visit the Truth About Trade and Technology Global Farmer Roundtable and talk about the importance of helping farmers around the world produce food more efficiently. “I’m always reminded by what Dr. Borlaug used to say, that hunger never sleeps, and that means we can’t sleep either,” said Dr. Robert …