2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

DWFI Podcast 41 – New Nebraska Nitrogen Recommendations for Irrigated Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

After years of dedicated work from many people and sectors, UNL has released new recommendations for nitrogen fertilization of irrigated corn. In this episode, Nebraska Water Extension Educator Crystal Powers talks to UNL professor of agronomy Richard Ferguson, who has been involved in the project from the start. Listen here or subscribe on your favorite podcast platform: 17:34 The Robert …

Audio, Corn, Irrigation, Nutrient Management, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

Ethanol Report on Working with New Administration

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump has been very busy since his inauguration issuing executive orders, making changes, and freezing funding, but how will his actions impact the ethanol industry? In this edition of the Ethanol Report podcast, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper comments on some of the actions President Trump has taken and where ethanol’s priorities stand in the …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

DWFI Podcast 39 – Navigating Climate Change in Nebraska

Cindy Zimmerman

Navigating climate change: impacts on water stress and agricultural production in Nebraska Nebraska, located in the U.S. “Corn Belt,” is well known for its agricultural and livestock production, generating around $31.1 billion in agricultural cash receipts in 2023. But how will climate change impact long-term agricultural production, and how can we adapt to changes to ensure water security and food …

Audio, climate, Corn, cover crops, Farming, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

RaboResearch Launches Frutonomía Fresh Produce Podcast

Cindy Zimmerman

Rabobank’s RaboResearch Food & Agribusiness (F&A) team today announced the launch of a new podcast called Frutonomía to explore the challenges, trends and opportunities for the global fruit market. Presented primarily in Spanish and co-hosted by horticulture and fresh produce analysts David Magaña and Gonzalo Salinas, each episode of the podcast will highlight individual fresh fruit markets, taking an in-depth …

Food, Podcasts, Produce, Research, specialty crops

Ethanol Report on Election Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

No matter what happens in November, there will be a new president in January and a new administration that could be radically different than the current one, and that could mean a big difference in the outcome of policy issues for the ethanol industry. In this edition of the Ethanol Report, Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper discusses …

Audio, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

DWFI Podcast 36 – Impacts of Drought on Human Health

Cindy Zimmerman

Drought is a prolonged dry period that can occur anywhere in the world and results in a water shortage. Unlike some other disasters, drought has a slow onset and a prolonged impact on health, agriculture, economies, energy and the environment. An estimated 55 million people globally are affected by droughts every year and as many as 700 million people are …

Audio, Podcasts, Water for Food, Weather

Ethanol Report on Days of Summer

Cindy Zimmerman

When it’s summertime, the driving is easier with ethanol. As millions of Americans are looking ahead to summer vacations and family road trips, high fuel prices may be a concern, but ethanol is helping to keep prices lower than they might be otherwise, and the Renewable Fuels Association notes that higher ethanol blends like E15 and E85 offer even lower …

Audio, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA

Ethanol Report on 40B SAF Tax Credit and Beyond

Cindy Zimmerman

The 40B tax credit guidance and modified GREET model released April 30 by U.S. Treasury lays the groundwork for U.S. ethanol producers and farmers to participate in the emerging market for sustainable aviation fuels (SAF). But since 40B expires at the end of this year, all the attention will now turn to implementing the 45Z credit to start next year, …

Audio, Biofuels, Corn, Ethanol, Podcasts, RFA, SAF

DWFI Podcast 34 – Impacts of Climate Change in the US

Cindy Zimmerman

The Fifth National Climate Assessment is federally mandated by Congress and released every four years to serve as the foremost review of research on the current and future impacts of climate change in the United States. In this episode of the Water for Food Podcast, DWFI Director of Communications and Public Relations Frances Hayes discusses key findings of the report …

Audio, climate, Food, Podcasts, Water, Water for Food

National Ethanol Conference Wrap Up

Cindy Zimmerman

The 29th National Ethanol Conference held in San Diego California last week may go down as one of the best and most timely industry meetings ever, setting the stage for major decisions that hang in the balance this year, including year-round availability of E15 and a revised GREET model that will determine ethanol’s role in sustainable aviation fuel. The Renewable …

Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference, Podcasts, RFA