RFA Ethanol Podcast

ZimmCast 727 – Syngenta at Commodity Classic 2024

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Once again I learned all about what’s new in the world of agribusiness for Syngenta during the Commodity Classic which was just held in Houston, TX. So this episode will feature interviews I did in the Syngenta booth. Between Cindy and myself this was our 7th conference of the year. You can find virtual …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Crop Protection, Golden Harvest, NK Seeds, Sustainability, Syngenta, ZimmCast

ZimmCast 717 – Syngenta at #FPS23

Cindy Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This episode of the ZimmCast features what’s new with Syngenta Seeds, Golden Harvest, and NK Seeds – all from the 2023 Farm Progress Show in Decatur, Illinois. Listen to interviews with Kramer Farney, Golden Harvest head of marketing; NASCAR Driver Sammy Smith; Mary Kay Thatcher, senior lead for federal government relations at Syngenta; Eric …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Golden Harvest, NK Seeds, Podcasts, Seed, Syngenta, ZimmCast

NK Seeds at #FPS23

Carrie Muehling

New products are on the way from NK Seeds and those visiting this year’s Farm Progress Show were able to learn more about them. “One hundred thirty-nine years in the seed business and this is our largest launch class in over a decade for NK corn products, launching 20 new hybrids in 2024,” said Matt Dolch, NK Corn Product Manager. …

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, NK Seeds, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta

NK Seeds Taking Aim at Tar Spot

Cindy Zimmerman

Tar Spot cost U.S. farmers more than 231 million bushels of corn in 2021, according to the Crop Protection Network, and last year there were outbreaks reported in eight states. NK Seeds has compiled products, tools and agronomic tips to help farmers know how to recognize and manage Tar Spot to prevent it from having a significant impact on their …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, NK Seeds, Seed, Syngenta

NK Seeds Highlights 2023 NK Soybean Lineup

Cindy Zimmerman

At Commodity Classic last week, NK Seeds was proud to talk about their soybean lineup for the 2023 growing season, offering trait choices farmers want and need, including Enlist E3® and XtendFlex® soybean technologies. “Now more than ever, farmers are looking for choices, along with trait flexibility and, subsequently, strong defensive agronomic traits,” says Jared Benson, Soybean Product Manager at …

Audio, Commodity Classic, NK Seeds, Seed, Soybean, Syngenta