2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Fastline Marketing Group Launched

Chuck Zimmerman

Fastline is now a full service agency according to this announcement. The company provides a full suite of digital offerings including website development, SEO, digital advertising, social media and email marketing. Fastline, known primarily for its print and online marketplace for farm equipment, parts and machinery, is rebranding and repositioning as Fastline Marketing Group. The new name highlights an expanded …

Agencies, Marketing, Media

Top Producer of the Year Award – Longview Farms

Chuck Zimmerman

During the 2021 Top Producer Summit several awards were presented. A big congratulations goes to the Henry family and LongView Farms. They are the recipients of the 2021 Top Producer of the Year Award. Accepting the award were Scott and Eric Henry, sons of Steve and Laurie Henry who started the farm. The sons are now the primary managers of …

Audio, Farm Journal, Farming, Media

Farm Journal Adds New Positions to Fuel Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

Farm Journal has just announced a whole crop of talented new professionals from a wide range of backgrounds. Rebecca Bartels, Director of Business Development, Trust In Food — Bartels leads overall revenue strategy and execution for the initiative, including creating differentiated value propositions for Trust In Food’s diverse set of clients from the agribusiness, food, non-government, government and academic sectors. …

Farm Journal, Media

2021 IFAJ Contests deadline is February 19

Chuck Zimmerman

It is that time if you want to enter the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Awards program. IFAJ contests recognize the world’s best ag journalism. Reflecting the many ways agricultural journalists and communicators reach their audiences around the globe, IFAJ’s contests celebrate excellence in print, photography, audio, video and online media. IFAJ’s award program is part of the Federation’s deep …

IFAJ, Media

Professional Development Webinars for Ag Journalists

Chuck Zimmerman

This is not a new thing. However, for members of the AAEA, the Ag Communicators Network and LPC, the Livestock Publications Council, the frequency and diversity of topics has grown. I participated in yesterday’s Leading with Focus webinar that featured, Beth Z, Your Nerdy Best Friend (pictured). It was all about leading your team to be more efficient and effective …

ACN, LPC, Media

Holiday Greetings from IFAJ

Chuck Zimmerman

Here are a couple of excerpts from International Federation of Agricultural Journalists President, Lena Johansson. She shares the news that the Denmark IFAJ Congress 2021 will be virtual like this year and we all hope we can meet in person in 2022! Here’s the caption from the photo: “Winter in Sweden: Rudolph with friends, no doubt on their way to …

IFAJ, Media

Congrats to Two Industry Retirees

Cindy Zimmerman

Two long-time agribusiness industry communicators are retiring from the business the next month. One of the best farm broadcasters in the business is retiring from Brownfield Ag News. After a 43-year career in agriculture, anchor/reporter Ken Anderson will sign off for the last time on December 30. Ken has received many awards over the years, including NAFB Farm Broadcaster of …

Media, NCGA

2020 AAEA Awards Program

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Communicators Network, AAEA, held their annual awards program virtually this year. The list of winners will be posted to the organization’s website after today. Here’s the list of winners. If you missed the program you can hear the reading of the awards now if you’d like. Just click here:

ACN, Audio, Media

Happy Birthday AgNewsWire!

Cindy Zimmerman

Fifteen years ago this month, ZimmComm introduced an “innovative news distribution service for agriculture” called AgNewsWire, which has since become “Agriculture’s Virtual Newsroom” and a trusted source for agribusiness news and content from industry events. In the new virtual reality of COVID-19, AgNewsWire is more relevant than ever. Two recent examples of virtual newsrooms this year are the Cattle Industry …

Media, Public Relations, Virtual, ZimmComm Announcement

All Ag All Day Reports From DC

Cindy Zimmerman

Thanks to COVID, there have been few opportunities for in-person visits on Capitol Hill but farm broadcaster Tony Ricketts spent all last week on the 4th Annual All Ag, All Day DC Capitol Ag Tour. Ricketts met with members of Congress, including the House Ag Committee, and agricultural industry leaders to discuss important topics such as trade, infrastructure, broadband, and …

Audio, Media, NCGA, Trade, USGC, Wheat