2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

American Lamb Summit Recommendations

Cindy Zimmerman

American Lamb Board officials are pleased with the recommendations that came out of the first American Lamb Summit. Sponsored by the American Lamb Board (ALB) and Premier 1 Supplies, the summit brought together 200 sheep producers, feeders and packers from all over the country to Colorado State University (CSU) in Ft. Collins, CO, August 27-28. The summit concluded that all …

AgWired Animal, American Lamb Board, Animal Agriculture, Lamb, Meat

Study Finds Lamb Checkoff Has Positive ROI

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. lamb producers have received a positive return on investment from the American Lamb Checkoff Program since it started in 2002, according to a new Texas A&M University report. The study prepared by agricultural economists Gary Williams, Ph.D., and Dan Hanselka concluded that the American Lamb Checkoff Program added 2.4% to 2.7% of the annual value of retail lamb. The …

AgWired Animal, Lamb, Meat

USDA and FDA to Jointly Regulate Cell-Cultured Meat

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have announced plans to jointly oversee the production of cell-cultured food products derived from livestock and poultry, better known by meat producers as “fake meat.” The joint regulatory framework would include FDA overseeing cell collection, cell banks, and cell growth and differentiation. A transition from FDA to USDA …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Beef, Meat, NCBA

NCBA Advocates for USDA to Oversee Fake Meat

Cindy Zimmerman

Officers of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) reiterated their unwavering support for USDA oversight of lab-grown fake meat during a public meeting this week, hosted jointly by USDA and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). President-Elect Jennifer Houston explained why USDA is well-positioned to apply current food safety processes to lab-grown fake meat products, since two-thirds of the facilities …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Beef, Food, Meat, NCBA

Study Reveals Growing Interest in Lamb

Cindy Zimmerman

A new survey from the American Lamb Board (ALB) reveals increasing consumer interest in lamb. “This study revealed positive trends for lamb in the US,” said Jim Percival, ALB board chairman and sheep producer from Xenia, Ohio. “Among the General Population, 24% reported eating lamb in the last year, up from 20% in 2011 and 21% in 2006.” The lamb …

AgWired Animal, American Lamb Board, Audio, Lamb, Meat

American Lamb Board to Release Consumer Study

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Lamb Board (ALB) will host a webinar for agricultural media partners on Tuesday, August 21, 2018 at 10:00 am Central time to unveil the results of the 2018 Consumer Market Research Study on consumer usage and attitudes about American Lamb. The study explores: • Eating experiences at home and in restaurants • Consumer attitudes and perceptions • Domestic …

American Lamb Board, Audio, Lamb, Meat, Media

Seasonal Lamb Production White Paper Released

Cindy Zimmerman

A new white paper addresses the seasonality of lamb production so members of the industry can understand it in more depth and make informed decisions about management alterations to better supply a more consistently available product. “Seasonality of the US Lamb Industry: A Review of Current Information” is now available for download at LambResourceCenter.com in the Production Resources section. The …

AgWired Animal, Lamb, Livestock, Meat

FDA Considering Fake Meat and Milk

Cindy Zimmerman

The federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is spending time this month discussing meat and milk. Last week, FDA held a public meeting to discuss foods produced using animal cell culture technology – mainly lab-grown fake meat products – and which agency should be in charge of regulating. The meat industry believes fake meat should be regulated by USDA. “Any …

AgWired Animal, Audio, Dairy, Meat

Poultry Researchers Tackle Woody Breast Syndrome

Carrie Muehling

A growing problem for the poultry industry is woody breast syndrome, a muscle myopathy that affects the most popular cut of poultry. While it doesn’t pose any harm to the consumer or the bird, it results in a product that is not palatable. In 2017, woody breast syndrome cost the U.S. poultry industry an estimated $200 million. Due to changes …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Meat, Poultry

American Lamb Board Sets Goal of 2 Percent Annual Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

The American Lamb Board (ALB) has approved a new long range plan for 2018-2022 that sets a bold new demand growth goal. The strategic objective of the plan is to increase demand for American Lamb by 2 percent annually over the next five years, for a total demand growth of 10 percent. Per capita consumption of lamb in the U.S. …

AgWired Animal, American Lamb Board, Lamb, Livestock, Meat