John Deere C850 Air Cart for Small-Grain Producers

Jamie Johansen

The John Deere C850 Air Cart sat centerstage in their booth during the 2017 Commodity Classic. At times you even had to wait in line for a chance to climb the latter for a birds eye view and get a first-hand look at the cart’s 850-bushel carrying capacity. Tyson Harris, product manager at John Deere, also had a line of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, Grains, John Deere

Farm Economy, Tech & Legacy of John Deere

Jamie Johansen

“I’m an advocate for agriculture because I think it’s the finest industry in the world.” Those words spoken by John Lagemann, Senior VP, Sales & Marketing for the Agriculture and Turf Division, who has 35 years with John Deere – which in itself is a true testament. Lagemann had a busy schedule at the 2017 Commodity Classic, not only wearing …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, Farm Machinery, John Deere, Technology, Video

John Deere – Making Good Farms Even Better

Jamie Johansen

John Deere’s passion for making good farms even better is evident with their commitment to Commodity Classic and the farmers from across the country who take in the event each year. “Commodity Classic is one of the greatest trade show to be at because we have such great growers that attend. Corn growers, soybean growers, wheat and sorghum come and …

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Equipment, John Deere, Video

ICYMI: Live With Camso at #NFMS17

Chuck Zimmerman

We were AgWired Live on Facebook from the National Farm Machinery Show recently with Martin Lunkenbein and Eric Blondeau to talk about two new products from Camso. I gave them each the opportunity to tell us what’s new during our live webcast – you can watch the replay below: Martin talks about Camso’s new CTS High Speed which allows tracked …

Equipment, NFMS, Tractor, Video

Deere Debutes Sprayer Improvements at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Attendees of the National Farm Machinery Show got the first view of John Deere‘s new CommandView III cab on their 4-Series Sprayers and the 4600 CommandCenter that comes with it. Customers are always looking for ways to be more efficient– to spend less time setting up and more time spraying, says Jason Beuligmann, which is why John Deere has made …

Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show

Deere Showcases 5R Series Tractors at #NFMS17

Kelly Marshall

Chris Lammie is pretty excited about his job with John Deere small tractors– especially the brand new 5R Series being shown at the National Farm Machinery Show. The 5R series features incredible maneuverability with a 12.1 foot turning radius, a comfortable cab, brand new loader, improved visibility and a fully electronic clutch. It also comes with a fantastic lighting package, …

Agribusiness, Audio, Equipment, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show, Tractor

Farm Faster with 3RIVE 3D

Cindy Zimmerman

It was two years ago at National Farm Machinery Show that FMC Corporation introduced us to the revolutionary 3RIVE 3D application technology. Last year it won a FINovation award. This year, the product is now available through Micro-Trak Systems dealers in seven Midwest locations, according to company representative Heath McCormick. “Those dealers are available to sell and install (3RIVE 3D) …

Audio, Equipment, FMC, Insecticides, NFMS

AEM Hosts Infrastructure Panel at #NFMS17

Cindy Zimmerman

The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) hosted a rural infrastructure panel at the National Farm Machinery Show last week as part of its Infrastructure Vision 2050 initiative to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing U.S. infrastructure and its potential impact on the agriculture economy. The event was a follow-up to AEM’s Rural Infrastructure Summit held at Iowa State University last …

AEM, Audio, Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS

BigIron Auction at #NFMS17 Benefits Blue & Gold

Cindy Zimmerman

This edition of the ZimmCast comes to you from the 2017 National Farm Machinery Show where BigIron Auctions has been sharing its story and innovative auction platform with show attendees while also supporting the future of agriculture. BigIron hosted a Blue and Gold Benefit Auction for the Kentucky FFA Foundation during the Exhibitor Reception Wednesday, celebrated seasons with show attendees, …

Audio, Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS, ZimmCast

Camso Intros CTS High Speed at #NFMS17

Cindy Zimmerman

Quebec-based Camso is back at the National Farm Machinery Show this year with some new track products for the North American agriculture equipment market. One of those products is a Conversion Track System (CTS) with suspended frame and integrated final drive system for combines. Track Systems Business Line Executive Director Martin Lunkenbein says Camso’s new CTS High Speed allows tracked …

Audio, Equipment, National Farm Machinery Show, NFMS, Uncategorized