USFRA to Host Dialogue on Water Quality

Joanna Schroeder

On Tuesday, July 26, 2016, the U.S. Farmers & Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) in collaboration with the Farm and Food Alliance of Minnesota, will host a panel discussion, “A Celebration of Minnesota’s Waters,” on water quality and surrounding issues. The goal of the Dialogue is to share successful tools and tactics being used by farmers to reduce run-off, improve water quality …

Education, Environment, USFRA, Water

Educators Named to FFA Board

Lizzy Schultz

Two agricultural education teachers were recently named to the National FFA Organization’s Board of Directors. Kurt Dillon, of Kansas, and Matthew Eddy, were both recognized for their skills and reputations within the realm of agricultural education, and will begin to serve in new leadership roles as board members for FFA. Dillon grew up in a rural area of northeast Kansas, …

Ag Groups, Education, FFA

National FFA Foundation Creates Endowment Fund

Lizzy Schultz

Dr. W. Dwight Armstrong will retire as chief executive officer of the National FFA Organization and Foundation later this month, but his legacy in agricultural education and FFA will live on in a newly created endowment called “The Dwight Armstrong Legacy Endowment.” Armstrong’s seven-year tenure with the National FFA Organization has allowed him to oversee an era of dramatic growth …

Ag Groups, Education, FFA

FFA Hosts Washington Leadership Conference

Lizzy Schultz

More than 2,100 FFA members from throughout the country will head to Washington, D.C., this summer for the 2016 Washington Leadership Conference, an opportunity to analyze their personal skills and interests, develop leadership skills, and create a meaningful community service plan that will make a difference in their home communities. The student leadership event has been hosted by the National …

Ag Groups, Education, Events, FFA

Saint Louis Science Center Adds Ag Exhibit

Lizzy Schultz

The Saint Louis Science Center has announced that GROW, the center’s permanent new agriculture exhibit, will open to the public this month on June 18. The exhibit will highlight the journey of food from farm to fork through 40 interactive exhibits, demonstrations, and events. GROW is the first permanent agriculture exhibit of its size in the United States, and is …

Ag Groups, Education

Potatoes USA Inspires International Chefs

Lizzy Schultz

Potatoes USA brought 21 chefs from Mexico, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines on a reverse trade mission (RTM) to the U.S. to learn about U.S. potatoes and products, as well as new and creative ways to put them on menus back home. The RTM began with potato training in …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Education, Food, International, Potato

AFBF Launches Online Peanut Butter Game

Lizzy Schultz

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, along with the National Peanut Board and state peanut producer and industry organizations, have launched Operation Peanut Butter, a new online game from My American Farm. Geared for students in grades 3-5, the game allows students to follow peanuts from the field to the peanut butter on their sandwiches. “While playing Operation Peanut …

AFBF, Ag Groups, Education

Promoting Ag Careers With Glycine Max

Lizzy Schultz

In a report from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), jobs that require degrees related to food, agriculture, renewable natural resources or the environment will see an average of 57,900 openings annually over the next five years, which is far more than the anticipated 35,400 graduates in those fields. The Maryland Soybean Board is stepping up to encourage students …

Ag Groups, AgCareers, Education, Soybean, USDA

Animal Ag Education is Working

Jamie Johansen

The control, prevention and eradication of diseases like salmonella, PRRS, E. coli and camppylobacter are all key factors to profitable production. Lance Barton, director of wean to finish and genetic services, Belstra Milling Co. spoke to attendees during a special session at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference sharing his work with Fair Oaks Farms and how their Pig Adventure focuses …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Education, Swine

#ONEBigIdea That Changed The World

Lizzy Schultz

Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist of Apple Computer, Inc., addressed a packed audience at ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference, where he was the recipient of The 2016 Alltech Humanitarian Award in recognition of his dedicated support for youth education programs, as well as his work behind the creation of the Apple technologies that have revolutionized the modern world. The …

Ag Groups, Alltech, Education, Technology