2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer CropScience Funds FFA Grants

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer CropScience is partnering with the National FFA to inspire interest in agriculture and apiculture professions among America’s youth. The new grant program will help FFA members develop their unique talents and explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers with a focus on finding solutions that will help honey bees thrive. “I have a real passion for the FFA …

Audio, Bayer, Bees, FFA

EPA Approves Bayer CropScience’s ILeVO® for SDS

Leah Guffey

Bayer CropScience announced that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved its application for the registration of ILeVO®, the only seed treatment that protects the root system against infections caused by the Sudden Death Syndrome fungus and has activity against dangerous nematodes in the seed zone. Business to business strategy manager of seed growth, John Carlson says, “This is …

ASTA, Audio, Bayer, Soybean

Bayer Launches #Thankful4Ag Initiative

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer CropScience is helping to make the holiday season a bit brighter for Americans struggling with hunger by sponsoring #Thankful4Ag in conjunction with Feeding America®. The social initiative aims to provide up to 200,000 meals from November 10-December 19. Bayer will donate up to $20,000 towards the effort. “We are all indeed thankful for the contributions of our nation’s farming …

Bayer, Food, Social Media

Soybean Farming Challenges

Cindy Zimmerman

During the recent Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum in Germany, soybean producers talked about the challenges ahead for farmers. American Soybean Association board member Richard Wilkins of Delaware believes that the most pressing challenges facing farmers right now include the need for deregulation of new technologies, public perception, and trade disruptions. At the same time, Wilkins believes that …

ASA, Audio, Bayer, Soybean, Sustainability

Weed Management for Soybean Sustainability

John Davis

Farmers can face a series of fights these days, whether it’s fighting regulations, fighting weed resistance or fighting to preserve their land from erosion. During the recent Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum in Germany, Chuck spoke with Ray Gaesser, President of the American Soybean Association, about his presentation on sustainability, weed resistance and cover crops. He said ASA …

Agribusiness, ASA, Audio, Bayer, Environment

Diverse World of Farming Needs Diverse Solutions

John Davis

Farmers face a diverse world of challenges today, and that requires a diverse toolkit of solutions. During the recent Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum in Frankfurt, Germany, attendees of the event came from all over the world – from war-torn regions, such as Ukraine, to over-regulated areas of Western Europe, each bringing their own issues. “So the solution …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Precision Agriculture

Forum Looks at Future of Corn Farming

John Davis

What does the future hold for corn farmers? That was a question addressed at the Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum in Frankfurt, Germany last week, and some farmers gave their views. Among them was Iowa Corn Growers chairman Roger Zylstra, who farms in Jasper County, who talked about the opportunities and challenges of sustainable corn production. “There are …

Audio, Bayer, Corn, Farming, Sustainability, Technology

Digital Storytelling from Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

During the Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum, Than Hartsock, John Deere, did some digital storytelling. In fact, his presentation was titled, “Digitalization – next level of corn and soybean cropping.” Than talked about how John Deere is developing new tools to deal with ways for farmers to make more money from their crop. This includes all the things …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Make Your Message More Personal

Chuck Zimmerman

During her presentation at the Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum Julie Borlaug told the audience they are not doing a good job of communicating what they are doing to the broad general consuming audience. That raised a few eyebrows. What she suggests is making message more personal and not so polarizing as we sometimes see with the GMO …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Social Media, Social Networking

Bayer CropScience Advancing Sustainable Ag

Chuck Zimmerman

Starting out the second day of the Bayer CropScience Corn and Soybean Future Forum was Liam Condon, CEO, Germany. The theme of his remarks was how Bayer CropScience is advancing sustainable agriculture. One of the remarks that Liam made during his comments that struck me was how the growth in demand for meat in countries around the world is driving …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Sustainability