2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bayer Launches ForwardFarm in Maryland

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer’s ForwardFarming program launched in North America last week at the farm of fourth-generation Maryland farmer Trey Hill. Harborview Farms was chosen as the latest Bayer ForwardFarm, joining Bayer’s global network of 12 innovative, independent farms representative of their unique environments across Europe, Latin America and now, North America. “One of the primary goals of ForwardFarming is to foster dialogue …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer

Credenz Soybeans Building on Strong History

Carrie Muehling

Bayer CropScience is seeing rapid growth in the use of its Credenz soybean varieties. In 2018, Credenz sales broke into the top ten out of more than 150 soybean brands available in the United States. The strength of the Credenz soybean brand continues to be the fact that it is based on the LibertyLink system, which is outstanding for both …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Soybean

Bayer, Growers Pleased with Delaro Trials

Carrie Muehling

Participants in the 2018 Commodity Classic in Anaheim heard results of extensive trials done last year on Bayer’s Delaro fungicide. The company tested the product in more than 500 grower trials across 20 Midwestern states in 2017. “What was actually really interesting about 2017 is that it was very, very wet in some parts of the country, particularly the Eastern …

Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Fungicide, Video

Bayer and 4H Study Shows Need for STEM Education

Cindy Zimmerman

A new study released last week found that more than 80 percent of high school science teachers surveyed think agricultural science is important, but only 22 percent say it makes up at least some of their lesson plans. In the study, conducted by Bayer and the National 4-H Council, less than half of the teachers surveyed felt qualified to teach …


Liberty Weed Control Guarantee Returns

Cindy Zimmerman

For the second year, Bayer is offering the Liberty® Weed Control Guarantee on the effective weed control of Liberty herbicide. Heading into the 2018 season, growers who use Liberty can look forward to clean fields, thanks to the herbicide’s effective weed control and the guarantee. To qualify, growers must talk to their retailer about local requirements and S.T.O.P. Weeds with …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, weed management

Bayer Tailors Varieties with Credenz

Carrie Muehling

Bayer is working to ensure every grower’s portfolio offers significant products to meet the agronomic challenges that may come along. While many growers have already made variety decisions for the 2018 growing season, there is still seed for sale. Bayer’s Monty Malone said Credenz varieties continue to be popular with growers. “This is a great time to be involved in …

Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic

2018 Commodity Classic Grows Beyond to Another Record

Cindy Zimmerman

More than 8,000 farmers, agriculture leaders and ag advocates converged on the Anaheim Convention Center to “GROW BEYOND!” at the 2018 Commodity Classic which took place Feb. 27 thorough March 1. Included in the preliminary number of 8,055 registered in Anaheim were a record number of non-exhibitor first-time attendees (1,533) and more than 150 media representatives. A total of 3,646 …

AMVAC, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Farm Credit, FMC, John Deere

Seed Treatment Can Harness Soil Microbes

Cindy Zimmerman

A new and improved seed treatment will soon be available for corn growers that promises to help them “be dirt rich” to reach higher yield potential. The Poncho®/VOTiVO® 2.0 system is the next generation of the top selling seed treatment, Poncho/VOTiVO, which combines a fast-acting systemic insecticide with a biological seed treatment that provides protection against nematodes. The 2.0 is …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Corn, Seed

Bayer Fighting SCN, SDS with ILeVO

Carrie Muehling

As soybean cyst nematode (SCN) continues to evolve, growers need new tools to fight against yield loss in their fields. “Nearly all of the SCN-resistant varieties out there have the same source of resistance. And over time, the SCN is actually adapting to that source of resistance, so it’s no longer quite as effective as it used to be,” said …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic, Soybean

Bayer Makes Contribution to American Heart Association

Carrie Muehling

Bayer contributed over $5,000 to the American Heart Association based on 2017 sales of LibertyLink soybeans. It was a record year for LibertyLink soybeans, planted on more than 17 million acres in 2017. Weed control is the top reason farmers are planting LibertyLink. “We’ve seen tremendous success with Liberty in terms of growers controlling their key driver weeds,” said David …

Audio, Bayer, Commodity Classic