RFA Ethanol Podcast

Alliance Seeks to Control Weeds, Not Farming

Cindy Zimmerman

The Modern Ag Alliance, led by Bayer, was launched earlier this year to advocate for farmers’ access to safe and effective pesticides. The coalition of over 85 agricultural groups supports science-based regulation and labeling of crop protection tools that are essential for food production and sustainability and their rallying cry is “Control Weeds Not Farming.” Bayer sponsored a panel at …

Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, Bayer, Corn, Crop Protection, Farm Progress Show

Cotton Consultants Kick Off Beltwide

Cindy Zimmerman

The Consultants Conference kicked off three days of Beltwide Cotton Conferences Wednesday in Fort Worth, Texas. Louisiana consultant Hank Jones says the committee works to include lots of topics of interest to cotton consultants. “We try to cover a wide range of topics and certainly we want to stay current, and want to address topics that are going to provide …

Audio, Bayer, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

Bayer Continues Sponsorship of Luke Bryan Farm Tour

Chuck Zimmerman

Five-time Entertainer of the Year Luke Bryan will headline his fourteenth Farm Tour this September and Bayer is returning as the presenting sponsor. The Georgia native will set up stages in the fields of American farms September 14-23, 2023. Continuing a partnership that began in 2015, Bayer is once again joining the tour as presenting sponsor and teaming up with …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Bayer and Kroger Team Up to Take Care, Now

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer is announcing a new campaign with Kroger to remind rural America to “Take Care, Now” and help alleviate care deserts in rural America, areas significantly impacted by both food insecurity and limited access to healthcare. Bayer hosted a press event Monday at the Northeast Community Fund Food Bank in Decatur, Illinois, to announce the campaign, which includes Kroger and …

Audio, Bayer, Food, Video

Bayer and Luke Bryan Team Up for 2022 Farm Tour

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer and five-time entertainer of the year Luke Bryan are once again teaming up for his 2022 Farm Tour and continuing their Here’s to the Farmer campaign celebrating America’s farmers and fighting hunger. The tour concerts will set up stages in the fields of local farmers across six states this September 15-24, with tickets now on sale at LukeBryan.com. 9/15 …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Food

ZimmCast 697 – Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. Getting close to episode 700! I’m sharing two of the interviews I conducted during the Bayer Crop Science Field Technology Showcase last week. We had multiple in-field demonstration plots and presenters. I was most interested in one about small stature corn which you’ll hear is the core of Bayer’s Smart Corn strategy. Then on …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Corn, cover crops, Crop Protection, Crop Science, Soybean, Sustainability, Technology, ZimmCast

Bayer Announces ForGround Digital Platform

Chuck Zimmerman

Bayer has just announced the launch of ForGround, a farmer-first digital platform that will transform the way farms of all sizes can more easily make the transition to sustainable agricultural practices. I interviewed Leo Bastos, Head of Global Commercial Ecosystems, Bayer Crop Science, during a field day held at the Bayer Agronomy Center in Jerseyville, IL. He explains more about …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, carbon, Sustainability

Bayer Anticipates ThryvOn Approval by 2023

Cindy Zimmerman

Bayer’s ThryvOn™ technology cotton trait for control of tarnished plant bugs and thrips is getting closer to full regulatory approval. “ThryvOn is industry’s first Bt trait that controls thrip species and tarnished plant bug species,” said Bayer Cotton Traits and Agronomic Systems Manager Tim Dabbert at last week’s Beltwide Cotton Conferences. “We’ve put it into cotton and we’re going to …

Audio, Bayer, Beltwide Cotton, Cotton

Bayer Crop Science Business up 26 Percent

Cindy Zimmerman

The Bayer Group saw a significant increase in sales and earnings in the third quarter of this year with substantial growth in the agricultural business. In Crop Science, sales rose by nearly 26 percent due to a substantial increase in volumes and prices. “We delivered strong operational performance, with all divisions showing strong growth momentum,” said Werner Baumann, Chairman of …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Bayer Announces New President of Crop Science

Cindy Zimmerman

After more than 30 years with Bayer, Liam Condon has decided to pursue a new career challenge as of the end of this year. Bayer announced today that Rodrigo Santos will succeed Condon on the company’s Board of Management and as President of the Crop Science division, effective January 1, 2022. Santos is currently Chief Operating Officer of the Crop …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer