RFA Ethanol Podcast

National Ag Day Celebrated in DC

Cindy Zimmerman

The 51st National Ag Day celebration took place in Washington D.C. Tuesday with groups gathering at USDA headquarters to recognize the individuals who feed, fuel, and clothe our nation and the world. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack spoke in particular to the young people in attendance. “Every person who wakes up in the morning and doesn’t have to grow or harvest …

Ag Day, Audio, USDA

Agri-Pulse Celebrates 20th Anniversary

Cindy Zimmerman

This week’s Agri-Pulse 2024 Ag & Food Policy Summit was a good time to celebrate the news organization’s 20th anniversary of shining light on farm and food policy. Twenty years ago, the concept of an all-digital, paid subscription publication was almost unheard of in agricultural publishing. Agri-Pulse Editor and Founder Sara Wyant believed it was not only possible, but represented …

Agri-Pulse, Audio

New USSEC Chair Sees Export Opportunities

Carrie Muehling

During its annual meeting prior to Commodity Classic in Houston, the U.S. Soybean Export Council (USSEC) seated its new Board of Directors for 2024/2025, with Kansas farmer Lance Rezac, representing the United Soybean Board, elected to serve as chairman for the next year. Rezac said with 150 people working in 82 countries, USSEC continues to promote U.S. soy and the …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Exports, Soybean, Trade, USSEC

Senate Ag Committee Leaders Say Farm Bill is Possible

Cindy Zimmerman

The Ranking Member and Chair of the Senate Agriculture Committee are still holding out hope for a new farm bill this year. A Slido poll at the beginning of the Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit Monday showed more than 80 percent of attendees believed there would not be a farm bill this year. Ranking Member Sen. John Boozman (R-AR) …

Agri-Pulse, Audio, Farm Bill, politics

Zeakal PhotoSeed Breakthrough Delivers Higher Energy Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

ZeaKal today announces its groundbreaking PhotoSeed™ technology in corn, designed to improve the crop’s oil and sustainability profile without compromising yield or protein. In first year replicated field trials, PhotoSeed increased corn oil composition by an average of 23 percent. PhotoSeed enhances a plant’s photosynthetic capacity, capturing more CO2 and sunlight. This additional carbon capture increases oil production without taking …

AgWired Precision, Audio, Biofuels, Corn

Pivot Bio N-OVATOR™ Paying Off for Farmers

Cindy Zimmerman

Pivot Bio and its sustainability program N-OVATOR™ generated a lot of interest at the recent Commodity Classic in Houston since they have paid over $6 million to growers for implementing better nitrogen management practices since launching in 2022. This year, downstream companies participating in N-OVATOR™’s insetting partnerships made payments to reward Pivot Bio growers for their practice change following the …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Sustainability

New EPA Ag Office Head Addresses Ethanol Issues

Cindy Zimmerman

The head of EPA’s new Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Rod Snyder addressed the 13th American Coalition for Ethanol DC Fly-in last week and had a lot to talk about of interest to ethanol stakeholders, not the least of which was updates to the GREET model for implementation of Inflation Reduction Act tax credits. “It’s better to do something …

Audio, EPA, Ethanol

Truterra Outreach to Under-served Producers

Cindy Zimmerman

In an effort to make sure all farmers have the opportunity to adopt climate smart practices and be rewarded for it, Truterra is reaching out to historically under-served producers with information about USDA’s Climate Smart Commodities Partnership project. Truterra Outreach and Partnership Liaison John Porter says under-served producers include racial and ethnic minorities, veterans, beginning farmers, and limited resource farmers. …

Audio, carbon, climate, Farming, Sustainability, USDA

Radical Corn Value Chain Challenge Launched

Carrie Muehling

Radicle Growth, a company-building platform investing in early-stage agriculture and food technologies, is delighted to announce, “The Radicle Corn Value Chain Challenge sponsored by U.S. Corn Farmers.” “We review about 1,000 technologies from around the world every year and make two or three investments,” said Kirk Haney, managing partner of Radicle Growth. “In partnership with U.S. corn farmers, we’re excited …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn

SOTU Mentions Family Farms But Not Farm Bill

Cindy Zimmerman

President Joe Biden made no mention of passing a farm bill in his State of the Union address Thursday night, but he did claim to have already made life better for farmers in the nation. “Because of my investments, family farms, my secretary of agriculture knows more about this than anybody I know, are better able to stay in the …

Audio, politics