RFA Ethanol Podcast

Emerging Technologies: From the Feed to the Cloud

Carrie Muehling

The farms of the future will likely use Cloud computing and real-time data to monitor livestock production. These emerging technologies present a huge opportunity in places like the Asia Pacific region, where everything is growing and pig production is booming, according to Art Frio, independent pig production and nutrition consultant. “There will be hesitation, as always. New things come at …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Swine

Poultry Researchers Tackle Woody Breast Syndrome

Carrie Muehling

A growing problem for the poultry industry is woody breast syndrome, a muscle myopathy that affects the most popular cut of poultry. While it doesn’t pose any harm to the consumer or the bird, it results in a product that is not palatable. In 2017, woody breast syndrome cost the U.S. poultry industry an estimated $200 million. Due to changes …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Meat, Poultry

Bytes: Tech That Feeds Us

Carrie Muehling

KEENAN CEO Robert Walker explored the future of technology and data as it relates to agriculture and the food chain at ONE 18: The Alltech Ideas Conference. “Ag tech is shrinking the food chain,” said Walker. “It’s making communication up and down the food chain a lot better, quicker, and ultimately that is going to be to the benefit of …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, KEENAN, Technology

China’s Impact on U.S. Beef Demand

Carrie Muehling

China reopened its borders to United States beef in 2017, but that historic decision sparked both challenges and opportunities for American beef producers, according to Ian Lahiffe, Lead of Operations, Allflex Livestock Intelligence. Lahiffe said beef consumption has almost doubled in China over the past 10-15 years, but Chinese consumers are accustomed to grass-fed beef primarily from Brazil or Australia …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Beef, Trade

ZimmCast 585 – ONE 18, Alltech Ideas Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

In this week’s program I’m sharing several interviews from the ONE 18, Alltech Ideas Conference. First up is Aidan Connolly, Alltech VP, who talks about technology and what he hopes to convey to attendees this year. Next up is USDA Under Secretary Bill Northey. Bill talks Farm Bill, RFS and his department, Farm and Foreign Agriculture Service. Finally, you will …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, ZimmCast

Four Alltech Global Accelerator Internal Startups

Carrie Muehling

Eight Pearse Lyons Accelerator startup companies were introduced at the recent ONE Ideas Conference, including four that are internal to Alltech. Rebecca Noble works in Alltech’s business development for crop science division. She describes Adentro as a crop protection brand of the future, using new science and new research. The name of the company translates to “inside” or “within.” Noble …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Apps, Audio, Crop Science, Dairy, Livestock, Technology

Four Alltech Global Accelerator External Startups

Carrie Muehling

In its second year of existence, The Pearse Lyons Accelerator is adding eight new agriculture startups, featured at this year’s ONE: The Alltech Ideas Conference. Four internal and four external companies make up this year’s participants. Israel-based eggXYt provides technology that allows hatcheries and chicken breeders to detect the gender of chicken embryos. The goal is to stop the unnecessary …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Apps, Audio, Livestock, Technology

A KEENAN InTouch Testimonial

Jamie Johansen

Moloney Dairy in Borris, County Carlow, Ireland was one stop during the Alltech KEENAN Great Green Getaway. Mark Moloney, KEENAN Southeast Ireland InTouch Feeding Specialist, opened his family farm to our U.S. group to share how the recent adoption of the KEENAN InTouch system has yielded quick results. They not only opened their farmgate but their actually home. Gail-force winds …

Agribusiness, AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, KEENAN, Nutrition, Video

KEENAN Connects Farmers to Nutrition Specialists

Carrie Muehling

U.S. dairy farmers visiting the headquarters for KEENAN Systems in Dublin, Ireland, learned more about MechFiber and the impact it can make on a dairy herd. KEENAN Corporate Marketing Manager Martin Minchen shared that the concept, developed in 2008, has been a key value proposition for the company globally. The focus is on consistent fiber lengths and an even mix …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, KEENAN

Customization Sets KEENAN Apart

Carrie Muehling

Since Alltech‘s acquisition of iconic Irish brand KEENAN Systems, the company has expanded into new markets and reignited the innovation side of the business. KEENAN Systems CEO Robbie Walker explained that the company’s philosophy is different than most industries where everything is outsourced. “Because we have our own sales force who goes directly to the farmer, because we have our …

Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, KEENAN, Video