2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Releases 2019 Global Feed Survey

Cindy Zimmerman

The 2019 Alltech Global Feed Survey estimates world feed production increased by three percent in the past year to 1.103 billion metric tons, with the top eight countries producing 55 percent of the world’s feed production. ​ The top eight countries are China, the U.S., Brazil, Russia, India, Mexico, Spain and Turkey. Together, they produce 55 percent of the world’s …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Feed

Animal Ag Alliance Debuts Sustainability Report

Cindy Zimmerman

The Animal Agriculture Alliance has released its “Sustainability Impact Report” focusing on animal agriculture in the United States. The report covers nine industries: dairy, beef, veal, pork, chicken, turkey, egg, sheep and aquaculture. “Animal agriculture has made great strides in environmental stewardship, animal welfare and overall sustainability over the years,” said Kay Johnson Smith, Alliance president and CEO. “As new …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture

Pedigree is the Animal Breeding Board Game

Chuck Zimmerman

Looking for a unique Christmas gift? See what you think of Pedigree: The Animal Breeding Board Game. Experience the thrill of animal breeding and raising show ring champions in a fun and fast-paced board game called, “The Game of PEDIGREE,” created by Duane Wulf, former South Dakota State University animal science professor and missionary businessman based in Mexico. “The Game …

Animal Agriculture

Technology Changing Life on the Dairy Farm

Carrie Muehling

Technology is changing the way dairy farmers work, especially when it comes to data. More and more resources are available to collect data on nearly every aspect of a dairy, but with that opportunity comes the challenge of managing that information and using it to make decisions. “It’s amazing how many new types of data we have on dairy farms,” …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Dairy, World Dairy Expo

Meet Cargill’s Cowboy Robot

Cindy Zimmerman

Cargill has developed the first ever robotic cattle driver to improve both animal welfare and employee safety. The robots are designed to move cattle from pens to the harvest area, reducing stress to the animals by minimizing their proximity to human activity. Employees operate the robots from a catwalk located above the pens, reducing safety risks by keeping those who …

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Animal Agriculture, Livestock, Video

Deere Showcases New Forage Harvesters at #WDE18

Cindy Zimmerman

John Deere showcased its new 9000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters (SPFH) at the 2018 World Dairy Expo last week in Madison, Wisconsin. The high-capacity forage harvesters announced in August provide up to 400 tons of throughput per hour, along with optimum corn silage processing that’s independent of the length of cut. “We get ten percent more productivity per horsepower while …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, Feed, Forage, Harvest, John Deere, Livestock, World Dairy Expo

KEENAN, InTouch Systems Provide Daily Information

Carrie Muehling

Dairy producers visiting the 2018 World Dairy Expo had the opportunity to learn more about KEENAN mixers and the InTouch system from Dan Gard, KEENAN sales manager for the United States. “KEENAN has no dead spots in the mixer, so it delivers a consistent, uniform mix for the ration regardless of the ingredients, and that’s really what sets it apart,” …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, KEENAN, World Dairy Expo

Trade Agreement Encourages Edge Dairy Cooperative

Carrie Muehling

The new trade agreement between the United States, Canada and Mexico (USMCA) has generated a lot of discussion at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin this week since it holds lots of promise for the industry to increased exports. John Holevoet, director of government affairs for Edge Dairy Cooperative and the Dairy Business Association, says the main change is …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo

Balanced Dairy Rations Improve Herd Nutrition

Carrie Muehling

Each dairy farmer has different nutrition goals, based in part on what forages are available on farm. Hubbard dairy nutritionists like John Pretz help farmers with regular nutrient analysis so they can optimize the forages that are available and identify supplements that might further improve herd production, reproduction, and overall animal health. “I think we’ve absolutely evolved over the last …

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, Nutrition, Video, World Dairy Expo

2018 World Dairy Expo Explores Next Frontier

Cindy Zimmerman

Sporting a theme this year of “The Next Frontier,” World Dairy Expo is in full swing right now in Madison, Wisconsin. Communications Specialist Katie Schmitt says there are almost 900 companies exhibiting at the expo this year. “Our trade show is really a great place for farmers to find that new technology and do some research,” says Schmitt, who says …

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Dairy, World Dairy Expo