RFA Ethanol Podcast

DBA Launches Dairy Strong Sustainability Alliance

Lizzy Schultz

A diverse group of partners came together this afternoon at Endres Berryridge Farm in Waunakee, Wisconsin for the official launch of the Dairy Strong Sustainability Alliance (DSSA), a collaborative sustainability campaign featuring representatives from every facet of the dairy community, including farmers, processors, retailers, government agencies, universities, and dairy and trade non-profits. The alliance seeks to engage individuals from across …

Ag Groups, Agribusiness, Audio, Dairy, Sustainability

AgExplorer.com Helps Students Find Careers

Kelly Marshall

The National FFA Organization, Discovery Education and AgCareers.com are working together to prepare the next generation for careers in agriculture.  Collectively they have created a website, AgExplorer.com, that offers comprehensive career resources that allow students to explore a wide range of job choices. “We’re excited to introduce this transformational resource that will allow students to explore the 235 unique careers …

Ag Groups, AgCareers, Agribusiness, FFA

The @JohnDeere Customer Solutions Plan

Chuck Zimmerman

During this year’s InfoAg Conference I met John Teeple, Director, Technology – Precision Ag Solutions, John Deere. John covers a lot of territory with his position. I asked John how John Deere is working in the precision ag sector to help farmers become more efficient while planting, spraying and harvesting. He says they look at it from three angles. “John …

Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

I AM @USFRA – Todd Frazier @DuPontPioneer

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance (USFRA) is made up of nearly 100 industry affiliates and partners. The majority of the alliance is agricultural organizations who make up the affiliates, while a handful of agribusiness companies are industry partners who help USFRA with its goals to communication with and educate consumers about agriculture. One of those industry partners is DuPont …

Agribusiness, Audio, Pioneer, USFRA

Bayer’s Credenz Has All the Options

Kelly Marshall

Nick Weidenbenner is more than just an agronomist with Bayer.  He’s also an expert on the Credenz soybean line.  At the Bayer Showcase Plot Tours Jamie Johansen spoke with him about the options Credenz provides to growers. Introduced in 2014, the idea was to offer farmers more choices, underlined by Bayer’s four pillars; tailored genetics, herbicide tolerance, state of the …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Soybean

Apply for Alltech’s Corporate Career Development Program

Jamie Johansen

The 5th annual Alltech Corporate Career Development Program seeks to recruit 12 recent recent bachelor’s and master’s degree graduates. Alltech invites graduates who wish to develop skills in science, veterinary science, biotechnology, information technology, marketing and finance to apply during the window of Aug. 15–Sept. 30. The program will commence in February for the 2017 group. Alltech aims to develop …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education

Year Two of LibertyLink #RealYield Sweepstakes

Jamie Johansen

The 1st annual Bayer Showcase Plot Tours are underway across the country delivering diverse solutions and expertise for many pressing crop challenges. Athens, Illinois was home to one stop where I got to chat with Bayer’s Daren Bohannan to learn more about Bayer’s LibertyLink Real Yield Sweepstakes which is in it’s second year. Growers have the chance to win up …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer, Cotton, Soybean

3rd Party Developer Integrations for @JohnDeere Have Tripled

Chuck Zimmerman

The Operations Center of MyJohnDeere.com has become increasingly beneficial to customers with the growth in third party application developers who have integrated their software via APIs. This allows for more seamless connectivity of data into the Operations Center that can be shared out to other platforms and software. Many of these companies have attended the annual John Deere Developers Conference …

Agribusiness, Audio, Info Ag, John Deere, Precision Agriculture

Bayer’s Showcase Plot Tour Offers Real-Life Education

Kelly Marshall

Daren Bohannan is a Technical Development Representative for Bayer and he took some time to talk with AgWired’s Jamie Johansen about Bayer’s first annual Showcase Plot Tours in central Illinois. The tours allow growers and retailers to get out in the field and see Bayer’s products in action. They’ve got everything from seed treatments and herbicides, to the Liberty Link …

Agribusiness, Bayer, Events