RFA Ethanol Podcast

The 2023 VISION Conference will Harness the Power of Ag 4.0

Cindy Zimmerman

The 6th Annual VISION Conference, organized by Meister Media Worldwide, returns to the Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa in Arizona on January 17-18, 2023.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Harnessing the Power of Agriculture 4.0 – Turning Innovation into Reality” and centers around key topics driving Agriculture 4.0: virtual cropping systems, autonomy, AI, climate smart ag, vertical farming, weather mapping, imagery and more.

The VISION Conference is where the full industry ecosystem convenes to map the strategic potential for the advancement of technology in agribusiness, with a focus on the drivers that will succeed in transforming the industry within 3 – 5 years.
The 2023 event will take a focused look at ways data and tech trends will change operations.

Supporters and sponsors include Bio Huma Netics, EFC Systems, Planet Labs PBC, and Raven Industries, AgGateway, and the Agricultural Retailers Association.

Keynote speaker for the event will be Robin Raskin, founder of The Virtual Events Group (VEG), who will share insights on the metaverse and what it means to the agriculture industry. To register for the 2023 VISION Conference, or for more information, visit TheVisionConference.com.

Get a preview of the conference in this interview with coordinators Lara Sowinski, CropLife Media Group and Renee Targos, Editor of AgriBusiness Global.
The VISION Conference 2023 preview (9:20)

AgGateway, Agribusiness, AgWired Precision, Audio, data, Farming, Precision Agriculture, Technology