2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Herbicide Acquisitions Enhance AMVAC Portfolio

Cindy Zimmerman

AMVAC was pleased to announce 10 new products at the 2020 Commodity Classic, including the recent acquisition of four herbicide brands from Corteva Agriscience™.

These products are complementary tank-mix partners for a variety of primary herbicides used in the U.S agricultural market. They are particularly valuable for enhancing weed control performance against increasing numbers of troublesome weed species. The products include:

• Classic® Herbicide: Expands the postemergence weed control spectrum in soybeans.
• FirstRate® Herbicide: Provides preemergence and postemergence control of key broadleaf weeds in soybeans.
• Hornet® Herbicide: Delivers postemergence broadleaf weed control of glyphosate resistant weeds in field corn.
• Python® Herbicide: Allows flexible broadleaf weed control in soybeans and field corn.

AMVAC Marketing Manager Nathaniel Quinn explains more in this interview.

Interview with Nathaniel Quinn, AMVAC Marketing Mgr. 2:28

2020 AMVAC Product Launch photo album

AMVAC, Audio, Commodity Classic, Corn, Herbicide